Starting light ppfd

Ok so most are about 10-14 days from germ I have the enlite 780 watt but right now I have it set at 50 percent 400 watts and it’s 36 inches away ,the look a little small in the mix meter says 20k lux


What does the manufacturer say?


How long are your lights on? 18 hours?

When my lights are on 24 hours (in veg), I usually start them at 15k lux to stop the initial seedling stretch and then around day 7 when they start to gain leaf mass quickly I actually lower to 10k.

For me 10k lux at 24 hours ends up at about 15 DLI for plants that are less than 14 days old. If your setup is dialed in you can definitely go higher than 15 DLI in the seedling stage.

I do think it’s best to use DLI instead of PPFD because it takes into account how long your lights are on, which is definitely a factor.

I use this to convert lux to PPFD:

Then take that number and convert to DLI here:

A rough estimate based on 20k lux with that light at 18 hours is 23 DLI

Depending on who you ask that might be a little high or a little low :slight_smile:

Some people recommend 15DLI max for seedlings, other will tell you that you can use flower DLI/PPFD right out of the gate.

I personally go for 15DLI to keep things easy and make it easier to keep my plants healthy.


@MumenRyder great advice my friend. :facepunch:t2:


If you have a newish cell phone use the ap Photone… its not perfect but damn it… it’s close! you can use your manufactures par map to calibrate the ap to your light. I’m having pretty damn good results. Beats spending 500+ for an apogee meter.