Auto light dli and distance

I have a 780 watt from the wall dimmable led full spectrum enlite in my 4x4,I have planted these autos about 2 weeks,I have my light schedule 19/5 at 20k lux, or about 300 ppfd,the temp is around 84 humidity 60,the light is set about 30 inches away and set to 320 watts I’m using pro mix premium mix the pinkish red it’s 2 cu feet compressed of peat coco and limestone added already, some people say they jack the light up from seed,I’m just trying to let them get a little bigger,any tips should I move the light back or closer? How much ec do you guys feed young autos?

Can you post some pics? That would help … beer3|nullxnull

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Greetings @Patriots781,

Looks like a good start there!

Rule of Thumb for light intensity:

Seedlings: 100 - 300 PPFD
Veg: 300 - 600 PPFD
Flower: 600 - 900+ PPFD

If you can measure DLI, a good range is 20 - 40.

Use the light manufacturer’s height guidelines then adjust for PPFD based on how your plants react.

Hope that is of some use,