Autoflower lighting question

What happens if I start autoflowers under 12/12 light? Will they still veg for x amount of time then flower? Or will they flower right away?


They will still flower exactly when they decide they want to. Usually 25 days after sprouting…
You could give them only 8 hours light a day, and it would still be the same.

Less light means smaller buds though.


They will veg and flower normally, but they will get fewer photons because the lights are on for fewer hours.


The reason I’m asking, is I have a heated greenhouse, but I dont want to use extra light. So I can start autos out there for selfing for auto fems for the springtime. I’m just wondering if they would grow fir a bit before flowering or start flowering from seedling stage

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They will grow as normal, they are not triggered by day length.


Can’t add to what @ReikoX said above :slight_smile:

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They will grow per normal, if anything their time span may lengthen and take a little longer to finish just cause they aren’t getting as much energy say comparably to a longer day span withe equal light intensity.


The autos will start to flower on a set schedule, it has little to do with amount of light. If it will grow to maturity in 65 to 70 days under 24/0, it will do about the same under 12/12 as a much smaller plant with much smaller buds.

I ran the same strain indoors vs out this year (meph forgotten cookies). Indoors was 20/4. They were finished within 2 days of each other. Indoor harvest was almost twice as much (130g vs 70), buds were tighter and tastier.

There IS a pic somewhere I think on a Mephisto thread of my plants side by side.

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I run all my autos 12-12 lighting grew then for 2 years straight
Did loads of experiments lol ran them 24 hour 18-6 12-12
They all grow the same,if the genetics are good
That’s just me

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Mephisto-Genetics-Basic-Grow Guide-2017 V1 (1).pdf (1.5 MB)