Autopot vendor reccomendations

Can anyone on here that uses or used autopots reccomend the site they used? I see happy hydro but not alot out there and idk if autopot sells direct or to vendors


I’ve autopot easy 2 grow 2 pot modules I paid £20/25 each for them.

When I look at the autopot website the price appears to be inflated, I’m definitely not mixed up, I bought them because they were cheap enough to have lying around I wouldn’t have paid the money autopot is asking without a actual use for them.

So I googled easy 2 grow 2 pot module and it’s much cheaper.

I just grabbed the 1st link.

Autopot does deal directly but you might want to check them versus another hydroshop.

I’ve used happy hydro in the past no problems for an autopot system. I think you can easily get at least 10% off by signing up for their emails. If I remember they also have payment plan options so you can split the bill in 4 interest free payments.

I’ve also used the Autopot website directly for a couple replacement parts. I think you will find a better price for a system from a hydro store and use the autopot direct website for very specific parts or maybe if they have a good sale going.

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Try eBay, I have been looking :eyes: at them and found some smoking deals on there. All I did was search :mag:! :wink::upside_down_face::sunglasses::+1::facepunch::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::v:


Where are you located?
Autopots .com ships all over the world now.

I sell Autopots for my shop… Let me rephrase that, I will be selling Autopots at my shop. I already have a them as a distributor. DM and we can figure out a system and price.


Exactly my advice… systems through a search on pricing and parts/options direct.

I ordered 4x 15ltr autopots with all the necessary items and a reservoir for £100 delivered.

Anyone looking for a simple effective grow imo it’s difficult to beat.

They’re maintaince free other than keeping the reservoir topped up.

I’m growing with dtw and autopot at the moment, I can’t see any justification to continue with dtw considering the maintenance required for no obvious difference.

Its still early to draw conclusions but I can’t see it suddenly changing now, even if it did its clear it works I’d just need to fine tune it which is to be expected with any new growing equipment.

Hello @ris are you up and running now with suppling autopots?
I was wondering what the general feedback on them is like?


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Looks great man! I ended up buying the 3.9 gallon 6 pot system with 12 gallon res don’t trust the Collapsible ones heard alot of bad stories I live in an apt,I put a little kids pool inside it fits exactly 4x 4 in my tent and would hold any water,I got the air base and air domes,it does drive your humidity up alot,I did 3 weeks in the pots and then turned the system on put the air domes on 2 weeks later,bout 5 days into flower ,there really growing now…


I’ve got nothing but love for autopots. They work amazingly well as long as you grow using a salt/liquid based nutrient.
I used to fit 9 trays into my 4x4 and grow some big assed plants.
The floats block to often and require the valves cleaned to often to make them set and forget.
I now use a single float with an aquavalve cover feeding 9 plants sat in a 1.2 x 1.2 tray. Means I’ve only got one single valve to check. It’s working extremely well.

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I am, yes. as for feedback, as you can see :star_struck:


Just add an ebb and flow controller and reservoir/pump etc from @ris if you’re feeling a little DIY and want to use these on clearance, they’re about 20% of retail, or 80% off right now:


Don’t forget flood trays just in case!

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