Average Yield Crowdsourcing

I’ve frequently searched for “average yield by pot size” and come across various sites that offer some general info. What I’d like to try, with the help from y’all, is to put together a data-driven answer to this question. I’ll take care of the compiling and posting updated results when I can, all I ask from you is that when you get some time, post the following information to this thread:

Yield, Pot Size, Grow Medium, Light Type, and Strain

The more input the better, and if there isn’t much interest, I’ll let this drop.


I think the problem with your question is too many variables. Grow style, medium, genetics, lights, food, environment and other factors all play a part in yield so coming up with a correct average by pot size is not really possible IMO.


I agree, it’s a question with lots and lots of variables. Yet I also believe that collecting data will aid in at least getting a more data-driven answer. While not perfect, it’s better than what I’ve found online to date. At least with this you could sort by pot type and growing medium, etc. I limited it to what I put in the question as I didn’t want to get too far into the weeds (excuse the pun :smiley: ).


I’ve had 6oz in 5 gallon and 1oz in 5gallon, 4oz in 2 gallon. That really can’t be answered. All depends how you grow and what your doing, what your growing. Yield data can never be cataloged like that.


I agree that there are too many variables not being accounted for that affect these values. Without knowing how long a plant has been vegged and the size of the plant when switched to flower this table would not make any sense… A 5’ tall plant in a one gallon pot that was vegged for three months will most likely yield more than a 6" plant in a 100 gallon bed that has only been vegged for a week.


Let’s sure up one variable and work into the future. Six weeks from ground break is when you flip. That’s the control. I’ll bet my one gallon pots compete with any size pot! Takers? :yum:


If I get 60g in a 1G I call it a good day. 100gs in a 3 gallon maybe.

You can grow trees in teacups if you want.

But it depends on so many things you’re not going to be able to break it down to workable numbers I’m afraid.

Generally speaking this is what I do


Six weeks is the sweet spot brother. I like a little of this. Little of that. Longer than six weeks I’m looking at trees. Can only shove so many trees in the 4 x 4


6 weeks is good too because you can usually sex them at that point. I have recently done this in 1L pots and it worked, but it was a lot of work :+1:


You may be right with such a short veg time as you are taking away a big factor regarding yield.


4x4 tent, 400watt QB fixture, potting soil/perlite in 5gal fabric pots, 4-6 plants per grow( plant size dependant), Dyna Gro nutes = 1gram/watt.
Thats my best so far, any help?

When do you start counting veg weeks mate, when the first true leaves have developed?

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I think your also forgetting a very important one, of length of grow, can easily put a plant in a 30 gallon for a month then flip and won’t yield as much as 3 month in veg then flipped in the same 30 gallons, def a huge one to consider

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For me…when they break ground they are vegging.


As soon as I seen green on the cotelydons that’s their bday


Ok thanks I’ve been counting from when the first true leaves grow, so I could be a week or so out.

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I have 4 that I flipped at 5 weeks.

3 gallons


Maxibloom gypsum and fish shit

They are under 1200w but probably only effectively soaking up 900 or less.

They just finished week 6 (of flower that is) and are starting to pack on.


I’ve had 2-4oz plants in one gals, 2-6 in 3s, 3-7 in 5s I think veg time, training, environment and nutrition have way more effect on yield than pot size. A bigger pot gives you potential for a bigger plant but so many other factors come in to play that your best not always bigger it’s what works for you in your specific situation.


Environment is a big factor, maintaining the correct VPD is key, and I’ve found high temps and humidity best with LEDs until late flower.

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Basic answer

In coco for my growing style a higher yield is a 10:1 ratio in ml of medium to grams of bud as in say 500ml of coco is used then high end I can expect 50g of dried bud at the end.

If say the media was promix then it’s more in that 25-30:1 ratio with my experience with all that.