Bac organic places to order from?

I’m wanting to try it out however I can’t find a cheaper shipping way to get it. The shipping an import cost is more then anything. Any ideas where to look or what’s a good competitor for bac ?

Can you inform me what BAC is?

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It’s a organic line. Biological activated cocktail. Big over seas

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I’d say make your own worm tea fortify with minerals of potassium and phosphorus and call it good!


Seed sprout teas (SST)such as mung bean , popcorn, could also benefit your plants


Still learning organic. More Comfort with a crutch at this point. I do grow peppers mainly for veggies. It’s my beginners kit so to say lol. I’ve made compost tea a couple times. Didn’t fill I did it as good as it should have been. Mainly wanting to get away from advanced nutrients.

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Never heard nor knew that thank you. For sure will look into it

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I’ll find a vid I like and drop it hear.


That’s really cool. I’ve just started reading into super soils not to long ago will have to give it another look


@Tinytuttle is always a go to guy for all things soil. Great advice and great topic guys. @Puremich420 I wish you happy growing


lol don’t fill his head with all that bologna @Hoodini lol there are several others here that are more knowledgeable than I possess and have been growing way longer than I


I welcome all advice truly. Thousand ways to do it. But will cost a over head, or what cost of over head worth it. I ordered Humboldt Secret till. I get a couple runs in trying the no till way. Looks a lot like my garden outside. Same time I have the soil in Michigan lol very clay or sandy not much else

What’s a good basic starter kit to buy lol so to say. Like warm castings an perlite mixs. Guess more getting at teas I would say more I’m thinking about it

I’d go and get 3.8 cf bale of spagnum peat moss , compost (sheep shit, cow, steer manure earth worm castings ,leaf mold) and some aeration of some sort be it rice hulls, hydrostones ,perilite or what ever ya like as for dry amendments can go wrong with kelp meal, neam meal and a rock dust of some sort mix it all together , plant water only type mix through the entire cycle , I’ll add that peat:compost:aeration should be 1/3 each in the mix dry amendments 1-2 cups per cubic foot, no muss no fuss


Now this will make quite a bit of material so if ya have a buddy split the cost of supplies and have fun ! Could say you might get 6-8 5 gallon containers with these ingredients and supplies


Lol that would fill every pot I got for 5 an 3 gallon. So basically I need to buy extra for most of what I buy for my outdoor veggie garden. Also what about mulch coverings ?

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You could grow a cover crop on top for awhile then chop it down and leave in place , a nice homemade compost or something like comfrey leaves are really good to use also.

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