Bank overgrow OG

good evening I start by saying that I had this idea by taking a cue from a comment that captured me from @Corey where he had already had this idea. I am nobody now in the sense that I am not at your level but guys I see in you really good growers who put passion and love into what they do … so I thought why not call the greatest og growers and together create a stable OG bank with high level seeds starting at the beginning with little but good … example starting with only 3 autoflowering female strains … 3 regular photoperiod strains … 3 female photoperiod strains … so as to concentrate the maximum in these strains so as to make them stable and super productive … I would already have ideas about who to include in this team … I would like to tag them but I don’t think it is appropriate now … in any case I exclude myself these good growers because I do not practice crosses but I cultivate to smoke but I have many ideas … always with the permission of the boss @LemonadeJoe … because then if something is done rightly part of the proceeds must rightly go to support og let’s say a 50 and 50 :muscle::heart::green_heart:

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This was already discussed here: What if Overgrow had a seedbank?