Passionate growers (OPGs Growzone) 🪴

Hello Fellow Overgrowers :call_me_hand:t2:

OPG here :wave:t2: just another fellow chucker. :100:
Making this thread for any future crosses of mine or future collaborations. Recently made a few interesting crosses that I’m hoping a few of you will be psyched about. I’m looking for testers that can also F2 as well. Hoping for a 50/50 split with anyone seedwise, my seeds will be geared towards gifting it to the OG community you’d be free to do what you please with your half. Goal is to enjoy the flower and hopefully share with our community in the process.
I want this to be fun and feel like there aren’t any hoops to jump thru so I’m not expecting anyone to faithfully post weekly or any of that. Just a few pictures in veg and flower and some honest feedback in a decent timeframe. If it’s something that interests any of you please pm me. I will also offer a number of things in my garden for any successful participants. Definitely want this thread to also be for anyone growing anything I’ve ever sent them to freely post if they please. Increases will only be temporary until I can get a seperate space for future increases and crosses. Games and prizes in the near future as well :eyes: :pray:t2: Thank you all for your time and allowing me to be a part of such an amazing community and family.
OG is Life :green_heart:

Current strains up for testing

(Midnight Mass x CBH) x Chocolights

Cali Octane x Shiskacake

Sour D bx4 x Shishkacake

Strains for F2ing

Shiskacake x Sweet and Sour Cindy 1 pack

Mango Nigerian x Sweet and Sour Cindy 1 pack

Also any of the above strains as well can be F2d :slightly_smiling_face: pm me for any extra info on parental lineage.


Now let’s Overgrow the World Together
:beans: :earth_americas: :deciduous_tree: :sparkles: :heart:



Very cool bud, best of luck with your quest. :v: