Beans for everyone (Part 1)

The comment about Harvesting was when you break the buds open. I’d not ever known it to be such a task.

Thanks for the Bag Seed comment. With the strains we work with around here, I’m labelling them as I find them. I call them Zappa Seeds. 50/50


Did you see the photo of my bean separator?

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No I have not…

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I like when you find those couple beans . I save them. I totally agree. Usually fems and good in my experience . A lot of seeds then it could be hit or miss. I have a strain the had one bean on a preflower , that one definitely got saved , I only have one other bean of that strain and if it doesn’t pop the pheno I want then hopefully this single from the preflower will pop. If not it’s back to the drawing board due to complications on last grow trying to preserve it (Perma Dream). :+1::+1::v:


Depends on the person, if the grow was meant for sinsemilla then it could be possible it came from a herm parent which might result in the same for that seed. Could also be an unknown father and a hidden accidental unicorn cross. Some don’t chance it, some like venturing into the unknown. I’ve got a shiiiiit ton of seeds from my banana grow this year but with all the herm issues I had that caused them to appear I feel it’s better to throw em into my fireplace than give em to ppl. But if I hook my buddy up with a sack and one of those “bag seeds” pop out getting by me in trimming I would tell him to toss it out too


It is here somewhere, but all it is is a piece of big enough cardboard, slanted on a 30 degree angle. Enough that the beans can roll off, but the weed stays. I use a credit card to lift, separate and drop the weed on the cardboard.


Yeah. Ole school. Its how we roll…, or deseed! But maybe not most efficient for the boatload of beans Ive seen lately. Throw me something Mister.


There is a pic on post 1375 and a couple down from that.


There is a fellow on icmag called chunkypigs and a grower , internet personality OGkushbush. His OGKB cookies was considered to be absolute elite and authentic and he dropped his pounds at certain med dispensaries. So chunkypigs, after contacting OGkushbush, went on a road trip … across the country I think because the dispos were in California iirc. Anyhow chunky went to a few dispos and gathered up some flower from OGkushbush’s bud drops. In the flower chunky bought he found 4 or 5 seeds which he grew out in his closet grow. 4 females and one male came from those seeds. After doing his research chunky came to the conclusion that the seeds were a naturally occuring S1 and the male was one of those “super males” that are found in S1 seed lots. I don’t know what the odds are of that but I have read that it happens. So one of the females became named OGKB 2.0 and chunky sent a package of it to the IC420 cup in Amsterdam. His flower took 1st place Indica and even better Best in Show.
I started following Chunkypigs in 2016 when the win was fresh and the whole story laid out for everyone to see his work. He tried his hand at breeding and dropped several times at @Great_lakes_Genetics for a short time but all his work with the plants he found in the OGKB seeds were snapped up like candy and the drops were done and over so fast most people missed out. I was Johnny on the Spot and picked up a lot of his gear and ran the hell out of it. Some of the best weed I’ve smoked and some of the nicest plants I’ve grown… from a closet grower who did a pollen chuck with Bagseeds… He found a cup winning plant in FIVE bagseeds… ponder that one hehehe
I have his OGKB 2.0 clone and it’s a keeper big time and super stable. I’ve been using a few selections from chunky’s bagseeds in my breeding rooms and the results have been exceptional and stable.


@THCeed I received the pack today (10 days to Europe)

1000x thank you is not enough.

Much respect for your generosity with strangers.

The seeds will do a good outdoor this year and I’ll send you pics of your plants

All the best


Wow that was super fast good luck with your grow and yes please keep some pics up for me


Thanks for sharing that with me, the lowly Bag Seed rocks, and its great to hear more than 1 or 2 people find it a Good Omen.

Bag Seed takes us somewhere lol we don’t know… but maybe lol


I’m outta Likes @AzSeaindooin420 and your answer is totally Fair. Why give it away… I like the part were you say, [quote=“AzSeaindooin420, post:2553, topic:77838”]
getting by me in trimming
[/quote], so you do look to stop Leaks


What a great story. My BagSeeds just became cherished.
Thanks for taking the time, Company last nite separated me from responding

I like it when that one-seed just bounces into sight…

Cheers @SHSC-1


What do u mean to stop leaks?

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It’s 21+ days to East Coast USA but only 10 days to cross the Atlantic :laughing: Some crazy mail system we got.


When I ordered from GLG it took three weeks too

Sometimes we have more luck than other times lol


This is for a pack of Chocolate Thai X Rockin Rain.
Since I don’t have a WIKI, I do have a wiKID and when she gets home from school she can pick a number between 1- however many sign up.
Claim your number starting at 1


Tracker claims #1


ie: certain strains Do Not get-away!