Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I like what I see here…after spending 3 hours trying to dig through seeds to decide which to grow (even though I already made up a list) this looks way easier.


It’s a great organizing idea!

But do you have room in your fridge for the binder /notebook? Take over the vegetable drawer i say.
Only thing you might need is to pack the notebook in a pouch along w dessicant packets.


At first I thought it was a pretty cool idea so I bought the card holder on Amazon for under $13 holds over 540 packs I believe and it is working way better than I imagined
I and you just buy more inserts or another three ring binder as you need them LOL


At least golf has 1 guy with 9 There is speed golf. Carry 4 clubs and run to the ball hit it run to it hit it run to it hopefully goes in hole then repeat 17 more times :rofl::rofl::rofl::seedling:

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If memory serves @THCeed had a dedicated fridge just for seeds :wink:

Pretty sure there is a pick around here somewhere…

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I always pictured him having an underground bunker hooked up to seed geysers for his giveaways.


You are right I kicked all the beer out of there as soon as I started making serious beans the binder however is so easy to store either upright on its side stacked on top of something it barely takes up any room at all until you get four or five of them LOL


Love this idea, I think I’m going to go this direction. Thanks!

One quick thought I had was I’ll leave the front page “blank” and I’ll rotate my current grow seeds into that front page, that way it’ll be easy to update the note card as far as nute preferences, flowering days, etc etc. Plus I’m lazy so I’d only have to make up the cards as I grow them :grinning:. I’ve got a low temp cellar so I don’t have to fight the wife over refrig space.


And Sativa, Indica, and Hybrids too


Or Long-range seed cannons.


Just FYI @MoBilly
Be careful, that kinda thing could get you kicked off the giveaway, if this were a co-op thread it could for sure.
I was kicked off the last co-op giveaway for editing my own error in my own name.
I typed shaggyballs by mistake.
I was specifically told not to edit anything at all in a wiki or else I would be disqualified for doing so… :rofl:
I was instructed that I must call a moderator or I will lose my spot, I was told never to edit a wiki under any circumstances from that day forward.
You may be treated differently than I was, but those were my instructions.



My current method is write down info in a book then file seeds directly into a box of plastic coins, coin flips, and viles/tubes.:rofl:

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Yes… I remember that.
I was like :scream: WTF!!!
I did not say nothing for not being hammered :rofl:
Well, I suppose that all depends on what moderator gets it. Like what happends to organicgorillas for the ban. I suppose that some mods have short wick than others.



Thank you @shag! I’ll take any opportunity to avoid being reamed by the powers that be. I shall learn from your chastisement. lol
No more trying to be helpful for me. :slight_smile:
That sounded so very wrong to me.
If you didn’t make matters worse… you should not have been called on the carpet… :thinking:
It’s above my pay grade.


I did not, I have never ever overwritten anyone… ever.
I was told my opening of the wiki to edit my errors was causing confusion.

You can’t fight city hall, I did strongly voice my opinion, but it fell on deaf ears. :rofl:


Eh def or dumb it’s a toss up. Maybe both :thinking::rofl:

I was gonna ask What’s Curling but figgered it might hurt Pete’s feelings.


OK, I’ll start one.
What’s Football?

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Hockey without sticks and fighting

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Well… without sticks anyway. lol
Sometimes the helmets come off and become, fairly decent, weapons though. I’ve seen that a great many times. That’s maybe not as effective as a stick but it’ll rattle your brain pan pretty good I’ll bet!