Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Really? Lol, I probably oughta keep notes.
You were sending Cheese from Easter giveaway, right?
Thank you bud!

I donā€™t knowā€¦
But I donā€™t want to send you the same ones.
I will dig a little deeper into the ole tickle trunk and see what I can find for you.


I have your BC BB/Kryptonite/? And some mystery. My DM says cheese from the Easter giveaway. Iā€™ve really been interested in your Wreckage, but I think @420noob is sending me some. I love anything that grows from the dirt bud. Your generosity is outstanding, thank you again!
Lol, tickle trunkā€¦

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The tent is full.


Mille-bourne I think it is called

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If I sent you beans you will have got some wreckage Master bastard everybody gets them like it or not Iā€™m going to have a competition with it as soon as the London pound cake challenges over


Must be in with the cheese. :+1:

I have some and Iā€™ve seen one picture which was hella unusual.

Nice @middleman ! Thanks for the giveaways as always @THCeed :metal:

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How about a cheesey dibs lol good day all just on.

MouseTRap plus more 10

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Im guessing Trouble, with the pop o matic bubble.:+1:t2:

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Its probably Hats Off.
I still have mine :joy:


London pound cake was a good strain.
I already smoked a lpc with a spanish.
I never cultivated but is a great strain

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What strains are growing in there matey ?

With THCeed it might be easier to ask what strains arenā€™t growing in thereā€¦ :smiley:


Hahaha yes he grows quite alot of strains :smiley:

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Wreckage Master Bastard, 12/12 from seed
Lennon Skywalker Ghost Triangle Kush
Green Crack
Widow Bomb Landrace
Freak Baby
Glad to hear from you. How are those beans doing?


Great matey . I made some more seeds from your seeds. Put a couple out as testers to see how they grow in the rainforest and humidity there. Zero mould great pest resistance. Now itā€™s just a waiting game now. Will put the rest of the seeds out mid September for a full season. I usually do a small test run outdoors to check so see how they handle heat ,humidity and tropical rains. Your strains held up very nicely. So Iā€™ll put out 40 or so seeds ā€¦come spring . I do this now because I had 1 really bad season where I grew a strain from a grower overseas and they all turn to mould and budrot. . But yours are top notch matey. Should get a 5 to 6 month ved outdoors before flowering . Iā€™ll post the photos on your thread so you can see how they grow down here. Cheers Bob