Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Mangrove HA! I would have never guessed mangrove lmao I’ve never seen mangroves in real life!:rofl::rofl::rofl:. Even being the first and only one on when you posted and still couldn’t get it right!


I have never seen mangroves in real life either.
I just know the store that I bought them from had over 150 of them to choose from. It was very overwhelming, I wanted them all. Everyone of them was so unique.


Cool masks, I didn’t know they made stuff like this out of mangrove. Mangroves are essential down in Florida for smaller fish , gives them cover from predators. And it their roots provide a barrier against erosion from hurricanes

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Yeah, I’ve also never seen mangrove in real life.
Aside from cop dramas on discovery channels where the cartels have built and hidden cocaine submarines to cross into Florida, lol

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That or pretty much anywhere in Australia where there is water. See them when watching salt water croc specials or old Steve Irwin.


A side and back view.


That tag 45 was that the price of them?

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Yes $45 but knowing how I operate I would have done a deal with him for the two of them


My new shirt and shorts.
What would you get a 56 yr old for his birthday?


The mangroves are definitely cool looking. All over the place in southern (that I know for sure because I’ve kayaked around in the mangrove groves) Florida. They are also used to prevent erosion on a ton of small tropical islands. That part I know from watching the show island hunters. I figured the show has of the best information about buying islands so I’ll be informed when I can afford to purchase one :laughing:… I’m going to remote into my computer with all my pictures on it and see if I can find some pics. I’ll edit this post with some in a minute
Edit… all of my pics are terrible :sweat_smile: they are from like 15 years ago, so my camera wasn’t that great either. But I said I’d share, so here are a couple


Like me, a true haggler. I like it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hello ix3u, lovely pics. Mind if I ask you a question please. Did you by any chance used to kayak to a small island and grow on it. Someone I know of who came on one of the forums years ago used to do that which is why I ask. Thanks.


Were did you get your cheese strain from THCeed please, it reminds me a lot of dinafems. There would stink in veg and at the size you have them would stink alot. You getting much smells off yours. They look very good, very nicely grown. Thanks for the pics.

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Thanks! But nope. I was just down there for work years and years ago.

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Dang can’t remember. I have been running them for so long. Super different stinkiness on each plant.

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Only kidding hope no offense taking try to respond to what looked like a question. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Mangroves are great wildlife sanctuaries and if you cut them down, the shoreline will wash away. Pretty important ecologically.


That is for sure no truer words have been spoken


Greetings @THCeed, just wanted to share a fresh pic of your top-secret US22. Both versions are cruising along nicely. Thanks again


Very nice and healthy looking