Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Just cruisin along…

Yeah, they have a huge eco system in their root base! Fish, snakes, small alligator, and a decent sanctuary for the manatees as well.


Wow looks like Halloween.


Dam cold here too possibly gonna freeze tonight 3 days ago it was plus 35c


Crazy. This looks like it though. Hopefully smooth growing from here on out. Rain Friday night will be good.

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Not sure where you are located and wouldn’t know if you told me anyways bc is west and Ontario is east lol. How bad are the fires in alberta and Calgary? The states are getting smoke from them and from the little news I can find seem to be burning out of control. Just curious about north of the border.

Right now there’s over 90 wildfires burning in Alberta, with 27 regarded as out of control. 745,000 hectares have burned so far, which is almost the record for 1 year and it’s only May.


WOW! HOLY FUCK SHIT! So that’s is out of control crazy but I’d wouldn’t even known about it if not for a few subs I’m on. Really normal weather :cry:

Hahaha, for a sec I thought I was looking at enemy POW’s :rofl: I gotta stop watching war updates on YouTube. Nice burn barrel, that bad boys had some use!

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The smoke has made its way into BC. :mask:

That’s where the bodies go of the guys who tried to rip him off.


I can’t like that. You guys went through hell last year, and now getting smoke from this year in Alberta.


The last few years have been shitty, it would be nice to get a year without breathing all that shit in.


Ya, there’s been some strange weather over the last few years.

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They say that smoke has covered most of Canada depending on the wind direction


Wow. Thats crazy with all the smoke.

You keep a HEPA filter in your bedroom? That’s a must man.

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I’m getting choked out down here too. :persevere:
This is sad start to the fire season.

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Nope, no hepa filter here.

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Man it makes a world of difference for lung related stuff & allergies. Just any walmart/Canadian Tire cheap air purifier with a HEPA will do.

I started using my Covid-era KN95s to cut grass & mix soil/fertilizer too. Really helps, way less coughing now.