Beans for everyone (Part 3)

A trick to help with germination. Alot of people don’t give them enough time in the paper towel. I’ve had a few that took almost a week to even have a taproot, but once they did I waited an extra day to let it get bigger then put in soil. You also want a neutral medium at first.

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Hey matey package arrived greatly appreciated. Will send you money everytime I receive seeds off you.cheers Bob


Right on, glad they made the trip. Should be some poundage in there. All the best.

Good morning OG
Happy Friday. Anyone looking to increase their bean supply, I have a couple to spare. Let’s play another game of “CLUE”.
Answer format: Suspect, weapon, room…
Answer may be from the first or second edition, but not combined. Good luck, sleuthing.


Professor Plum with the candle stick holder in the Billiard room.

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I don’t have time to participate today but I just wanted to thank you for what you (among others) do for this community. Your generosity is inspiring and it’s part of what makes this such an awesome community. I’ve never seen anything like this place.



Col mustard with the revolver in the billiard room. :grin:


Colonel mustard in the library with the lead pipe.


That colonel’s a sneaky basturd lol

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Bubba did it, in the yard, with a shank . :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


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Mr Green with a wrench in the dining room

Colonel Mustard with the Rope in the Conservatory

Miss Scarlett with the Lead Pipe in the Library.

Mr. Green with the Revolver in the Dining Room.

2 out of 3 ain’t bad.


Ok, I see what your talking about. Either from the 1st or 2nd gen but not from both editions. I had to reread what you posted to understand your comment.

I’ll edit the 3rd guess

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Colonel mustard

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Mrs. White with the Wrench in the Kitchen.

Our detectives are closing in on the culprit.

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Professor Plum with the Candlestick in the Study.