Beans for everyone (Part 3)

And the guess is on #200 for me lol.
Thanks @THCeed

Third guess 47

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First guess: 187
Thx for the opportunityā€¦whatā€™s the ā€œpurpleā€ made off?

First guess is 153

second guess is 61

First guess 155

Second try 144

Third choice 133

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I will do the draw around 10:30 a.m.
Good luck.


Freaking amazing everything @THCeed !!!


We have a winner, @MOX gets lucky on his 3rd guess.


Congrats @MOX
Much respect @THCeed
If you donā€™t get something in your mailbox today Iā€™m gonna assume someone is enjoying your goodies, and Iā€™ll resend.


I will check after lunch. Thanks.

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Congrats @MOX!

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Sweet! Thanks for the opportunity @THCeed
Iā€™am stoked!

For the Purple guess 1: 52

For the PURPLE guess number two: 75 @THCeed

Now for my final guess for the PURPLE, I will pick 70

Congratulations @MOX

Thanks for the chance @DougDawson

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Thanks again for the opportunity

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