Beans for everyone (Part 3)

@Crafty_Flame …THANK YOU! soooooo much!

I’m truly grateful for your generosity, hard work, passion and love that goes into what you do…thank you

Been super blessed…thanks OG’ER’S


I bid 272…

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LOL!! I have the perfect excuse… Duloxetine. It’s awful, makes me walk funny and terrible at math.

BTW, do we have a new game yet?


Holy crap, yeah that stuff is fun, eh?? I forget sentences halfway through them now… My memory is so awesome now, my Mrs is pickng up that batman costume for my closet any day now, just to laugh at my dumb ass when I put it on :joy:

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Ok, got busy on another ball myself. This stuff is so smooth.

Sounds like I better get one started. Here is what I finished making today.

If you can guess the weight,
A Bart head full of “Lennon’s Soup
you are allowed 1 guess at a time, for a total of 3 guesses.
Good luck.


First guess: 28.8

The OG generosity is legendary!!

Second guess: 29.7

This guess: 31.7

Thanks @THCeed!!!

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Hey @THCeed whats the cheech and Chong thing there? Looks cool

40 grams is my guess

It’s a scale.


Now that’s dope! I love it

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48 grams is my second guess

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56 grams first guess

56grams my friend

64g is my final guess

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61 grams #2

71 grams second guess

51 grams #3 guess

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69 for final

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