Beans for everyone (Part 3)

I only grew in Coco learned an got some houses filled lol
But I just really give alot if respect to those who always choose the soil way
Someone who uses all amendments on there plant or natural resource on there environment
That’s a great grower
I always used bottle’s :laughing:
When I see people like @THCeed @Gpaw grow monsters outdoor much respect to u all


I can only hope to get that good, outdoor is a whole other ball game lol… those lucky gromies!


Don’t forget @Bobgrows … Holy shit she grew trees!


Going from on my high horse to a noob also
I’m so open to learning a new way closer to what earth supplies mother :earth_americas:

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Yes an there’s so many
She’s sent me seeds over the yrs if I remember even the original Bubba kush for my sons pain


Sorry, totally missed your message and went to get the mail (yay, mail order day, new weed!! :grin::grin:). I don’t really know how to describe it… Just dirt y. This is going to make as much sense as tasting music but, I find dirt grown to be ‘heavier’, and water grown to be ‘lighter’ 🤷… Like I said, makes as much sense as tasting music (which, I actually do, it’s how I tune my guitars… How screwed up is that?)

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Hahaha I love it… nice to meet another fellow musician… I’m a drummer

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You should check out aquaponics :grin:

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Lol, I’d be your worst nightmare… I’ve played with other people and on stage a couple times, but 99.9% of my playing is by myself… I’m always working on it, but timing isn’t always my strongest suit :joy:

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As for growing… I’ve never personally successfully grown anything in dirt, I’ve killed everything.

I haven’t grown in hydroponics either, I’m not a fan of chemical nutes, and I have absolutely nothing to base that on, lol

But, I’ve tried weed grown in everything :grin:. For me, the best taste I’ve found has been in aquaponics.

I’ve been growing the same strain consistently for 7 years (to varying levels of success because I’m usually dumb), and I can now even taste when my water wasn’t clean enough.

It might also help that I have a arizer solo 2 vape instead of smoking, and get to taste eeeeeeverything in the canna, it’s pretty wild.

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I just like any WEED the gets me high as a Kite :green_heart: :grinning:


Hahaha yup, that too! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

For me it’s strictly about quality not speed or quantity


I’m just finally getting my water settled and everything setup after a tent tear down and move last summer… Right now, I’m trying to replenish my empty supply ASAP (I despise buying weed now, lol), then I’ll be back to the fine details… Tsp measurements rather than tbsp :wink:


@THCeed the fem auto I sprayed with STS 3 times over the past couple of weeks is starting to show balls it’s a gorilla punch auto I’m going to cross it over strawberry gorilla…I’ll send you some fem seeds when there ready if you want to grow a few autos towards the end of the season


If @THCeed don’t want them autos you know I will take them! :joy::joy::joy: :wink::+1::facepunch::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Hahah hit me up in about 7 weeks :grinning:

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@Fortman420 nice public viewing sex swing! :rofl:



Sounds great, Cheers Mate.

@Pigeonman once the greenhouse is up no more sex show for the neighbors. At least the pergola I built can take all the “Thunder on Down Under” I can throw at it :slight_smile: