Beans for everyone (Part 3)

I’ve never been much of an auto grower, logistical reasons… but I think I have a good little spot to grow a couple on the smaller side. I’ve been thinking lately of using that spot for making an shit-ton (2.2 assloads for you non-metric folks) of auto beans to drop here and there as I hike around… parks… alongside drainage ditches, other public lands with a spot that looks decent. I don’t know if it’ll work, but might make for a nice surprise for some random park goer one day or get some deer stoned. I’ve revisited some spots I dropped wildflower bombs (opium poppy, cosmos, and zinnia seeds rolled into clay balls) and saw that some of them took… little patches of color & happy bees. That was kinda cool.
Any of these autos you mention happen to be regs?


That’s a cool idea! Make weed ubiquitous!


I had a thousand or so seeds from an oops pollenation… I would drive down the highway and threw seeds in any ditch that didn’t look swampy or too dry :grin::grin::grin:


These double grape x kraken can get quite large. I’ve had 6 footers. Usually its 3 to 4’ but its possible they get pretty tall with lots of branches.


Gotcha… well, 6’ might get me a little nervous. I guess some training/topping would be in order. Probably could top off some of the aggressive branches if its a seed run. Lol… dropping beans all over that’ll make 6 footers sounds pretty good.


They don’t respond well to topping but training is definitely an option. Super hardy and very good smoke


@THCeed I’d be interested in some autos. After my current stuff finishes up/advances a few more weeks, I plan on playing with some autos.

All into auto’s :slightly_smiling_face: …I grow them alongside photos on 12/12 without any problems :v:

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If you’re tossing beans, I’m catching my friend :grin:

I have a couple going right now and I’m quite happy with how they’re doing, I’d totally be down to add a few more… Like @globalhead I’m growing them beside my Regs for a different bud schedule :grin:

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Now that’s a good auto cross .double grape is very popular :grinning:

I just got a flip of those in the mail from the take a seed leave a seed thread. Putting at least one outside this season with my other autos in the first row. Thanks for keeping this party train clickity clacken

Up for grabs, is a pack of Mephisto Double Grape Autos. Please dont overwrite anyone. Good luck.

  1. @THCeed
  2. @Cannabiscrusader :us:
  3. @Zolorp :us:
  4. @Scarlyle :us:
  5. @Smooth :us:
  6. @Sintax :us:
  7. @luxton :canada:
  8. @TheSeedjinn :canada:
  9. @Hambone :us:
  10. @Osogreen261 :us:
  11. @Mad_Barry :australia:
  12. @Villiager :eu:
  13. @dingys :brazil:
  14. @Trimeresurus :us:
  15. @Bert :us:
  16. @Gho13 :us_outlying_islands:
  17. @OhNo555 :us: :birthday:
  18. @Sailorboy :us:
  19. @Cloud9 :us:
  20. @Crawfish :canada:
  21. @donuchee :us:
  22. @Topdecker :us:
  23. @Fortman420 :canada:
  24. @Ivy :us:
  25. @BeardedMech :us: :wrench:
  26. @Cannaology :us:
  27. @globalhead :india:
  28. @freed111 :canada:
  29. @VisionGrower :brazil:
  30. @GallacreekD66
  31. @Jim
  32. @Coffin_Dodger :us:
  33. @Natea
  34. @Jumbzz :us:
  35. @Illicitmango :us:
  36. @ledlight :netherlands:
  37. @Drsunshinestrains :thailand:
  38. @420noob
  39. @LzBoy :canada:
  40. @BIGJ :us:
  41. @chronix :canada:
  42. @XgrimmX
  43. @HealingHerb :australia:
  44. @sd9007 :us:
  45. @Originalweedman
  46. @Weenabis :canada:
  47. @Trae1170 :us:

Add numbers if needed.


Thank you for the chance and I hope you have an awesome day! Good luck all!


That’s a beautiful thing. Sea of green.

Right on :metal:. I’ve been thinking about those seeds all night, lol

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@THCeed I got home last night and was met with this. Thank you!


Thanks :blush: @THCeed for putting up them Mephisto Double Grape Autos! They are my favorite strain! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck to all, but GO lucky :four_leaf_clover: #17 for the win :trophy:! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::partying_face::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thank you @THCeed !


Give-away autos are a rare thing - thank you for the chance, @THCeed

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Your participating in your own giveaway is so very cool @THCeed :slightly_smiling_face: …best of luck :+1: and thanks for a hit at these good genetics :v:&:green_heart:

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