Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Awesome, thanks bro.
Had a crazy busy day.
Sry @THCeed appreciate the shout out. :pray::seedling:
Trying spend as much time with the pooch.
Good luck everyone :seedling:


What price per litre are you paying over there for fuel ?

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I gassed up yesterday for just under $1.60/L ā€¦Iā€™m about an hour and a bit north of THCeed.

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Jeez the price has gone up over there . It works out about $1.30 American a litre here.

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It was at about $1.75 a couple weeks agoā€¦we got a double whammy of carbon tax but itā€™s gone down a bit.


Honestly, i95 f2!

I love i95 and related work

1.69 yesterday, I think

It used to be so much cheaper compared to Australia . We are about $1,30 American a litre now .

I jump on with you if you donā€™t mind my friend :v:

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These are regular autos, both parents were autos if you meant the double grape x kraken.

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Someone join me.

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thanks for the tag.
iā€™ll join you, bro :wink:

thatā€™s such a cool idea for a share, ha.
nice one !!! :yum:


Come join me @Ris @420noob @Til_Valhalla @RainToday in spot #22. For the wiki up above.
Or anybody who needs a partner feel free to hop on

Thanks for the chance @THCeed


went and looked it only went to 17? not sure where?

add me if you donā€™t have anyone else. iā€™ll take one for the team.

Wow thats a big list!!

Iā€™ll join ya friend. I like the double deuce spot :+1:


Ok I put us at 23 I hope that num works for u
Plus I pick the flavor Iā€™m ok :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: with that

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Man I see cherrys on that sexy af list. Incredible.


Paid 2.12 a liter. Until last week and itā€™s now around 1.98 in Vancouver :roll_eyes:


Just seen ur message. Been in and out of the hospital .My mother in laws on life support ā€¦Praying the surgery tomorrow 8am goes good .I ve been having trouble coping with all this stuff .I m try to keep checking in on OG when I can ā€¦Between the hospital and the couple hours of sleep its been roughā€¦ I hope ur doing great brotherā€¦