Beans for everyone (Part 3)

By next Sunday, I won’t be able to reach the top of this Lemon Skunk.

Coastal Blueberry are getting thick stems. Sure hope that they are both female.

Some extra growth on this one.


Jeeezus! We just got out of May and you’ve already got close to a 7 footer!


Glorious trees :palm_tree:
Can’t wait for the drone shot :ok_hand::sunglasses:


Is that not allowed?
It’s not always the length that matters.
Pretty sure you have something going on with your garden.


Twin Tangerine towers, reaching for the Sky. 7 inches below the stick, to this in 4 weeks.


These pics are very inspiring, I hope I get the opportunity to have a good patch of dirt to grow on one day. Currently trying to build a garden bed in my family’s suburban backyard in hopes of replicating some of this. Durt all the way


I’ve got something going on…but it’s nowhere near SEVEN FEET TALL!!! :rofl:


Twin tangerine towers. Top pic. Nice looking but oh wow what a nice tree behind them. Am i banished for looking at the tree over the plants?

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WT actual fuck … Dude those grew so fucking fast … I hope the LSGTK likes cow shit and compost …I loaded it up heavy around the stem… 2 weeks out side and it s nearly caught up to my Indicas that been out for 4 weeks… This plants so much fun.

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Are u doiing anything to these or just leaving them alone and let them do there own thing?? They look great .

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Just wait until it flowers. That’s when I think you will really like it.

I am not sure if they are ladies yet.


Man I was so bummed out about losing the big one …I just don t have room or time for males… I m glad I figured alot of my plants out early the others are cloned and in a quick veg then tossing them into flower… I nearly did a cart wheel when I saw the 2nd LGSTK was female, I ve been babying the shit out of it . It s growing inches a day . Just grows amazing . I can t wait to try the smoke. The height leads me to think its gonna be a super strong sativa high . Either way I m stoked. I have a couple lennon soups going at a friend s they ve gotten big too… Will update here and there through out the grow…Your the best brother.


Got to come by and give you my evaluation !!°° hahahah ! It’s funny I had the wife hide a chunk in the trailer so I can age it before I smoke it all !!! I was up at the garden today started a 5am this morning ran those 4 plants out there and have to replace 5 more !


@Originalweedman hooking it up, big time…thanks again homey


Hey Growmies. Time to wake this thread back up.
My Tangerine Sky are loving the deck view.

Limed Orange from @DannyTerpintine
Starting to fill in nice, should be a gorgeous Palm Tree in a couple of months.

Also from @DannyTerpintine are the Sour Diesel “Pigeon”

The Super Skunk is starting to re-veg.

2 more Super Skunk I threw in to replace 2 males.

The Lemon Skunk is also starting to re-veg.

Freakshow are looking great.

London Double Pound Cake are huge already.

The LSGTK is sure working on being a candelabra.

Mataro Blu both hit 5.5 feet.

Chocolate Thai x Rockin Rain

Coastal Blueberry, big fat leaves.

The garden as a whole.

Have a smokin evening.


Damn man, that’s some nice growth in a couple weeks!!


I haven’t had to water them, and I haven’t fed them anything yet.


Twin freakshow growing up.


Nice work man! Really like watching your grows with monster plants and the FreakShow which is on the list of a must have at some point.


That’s gonna be quite the show come fall. Better buy an electric trimmer you’re gonna need it.

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