Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Again, it’s like we’re on X, deep breath my friend, deep breath.

The data that you’re talking about is the same data I’m talking about. Those original scientists who wrote the reports that are still being used, fudged their numbers so they could get paid.

So, I’m sorry man, but the root basis for your really unneeded explosions here are based on flawed data to start with 🤷

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Definitely a beautiful canopy… Keep up the great work @luxton

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These are neither compelling nor accurate arguments.

School experiments could demonstrate the principle, but the actual effects have been measured much more carefully and accurately by professionals.

This is simply a ridiculous statement. Would love to see any reputable scientific publication backing that up. You seem to be unfamiliar with the existing science.


Aaaand I say once again, and for the last time, I’m kinda done with this (I’ve been educating people on the lies of manmade climate change for well over a decade now), follow the money. Scientists have bills, and someone is paying for the studies.

Follow the money.

BTW, school experiments don’t work because there are a “few” other chemicals in the atmosphere, including co2. So, by showing any increase in temp you have to raise the ppm of co2 to a level where life can’t actually breathe… Kind of unrealistic since we all continue to actually breathe. It’s also a literal impossibility to saturate out atmosphere with the amount of co2 used in those experiments.

It’s like saying a drop of food colouring will change the colour of the ocean by dumping a bottle of it into a glass of water. The concentrations are impossible.


Yeah, nice of you to take the time digest and respond to what I said and linked instead of just repeating the same thing.

Also funny how scientists at both Exxon and Shell came to the same conclusions as the studies I linked (follow the money right?)

Preciate you educating us.

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If they didn’t, they’d be fighting against people like you, and the paid reports… And that fight would be coming from the very guys who the reports are blaming in the first place.

Can you blame them?

If you take a step back, things make a whole lot more sense.

Anyway, I hope you 2 have great days :metal:.


If you ignore science you mean.

mmm I love educating people about what science actually is. 90% Don’t understand it, so it scares them. I wish you could only see that any human being can use science to develop knowledge. It’s a tool, not something to be feared.

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As I said man, I love science, and do follow it. I read every scientific report I a get my hands on, constantly… From asteroids to how far the sun moves when the planets are aligned, like they were a few years ago (the Mayans were only a few years off, which is pretty impressive considering)… Which would also cause abnormal heating of our planet, but you trust the reports that say the sun couldn’t POSSIBLY be making the earth hotter, it HAS to be from our tail pipes and taxing the air will fix everything :+1:.

And yes, science absolutely is a tool to be used… And the politicians are doing exactly that, using it to create fear.

Look, did your car lose paint in the 80s from acid rain? Or were massive swaths of farm land cooked in the 90s from the hole in the ozone? Did the oceans take us all over in the 2000s, like we were told? No, NONE of this happened, but fear was stoked around each idea, by politicians, with scientists in their back pocket was “reports” backing it up.

As I said, I hope you have a great day bud :metal:


The entire paragraph you typed in shows that you don’t understand what science actually is. It makes me sad. But! I use science all the time! It’s how I developed the protocol to eradicate powdery mildew. It’s how I know if the plant I am growing is a shitty 1% yield before I even bloom it. It’s how I am going to stabilize an S-Tier hash producer!
Here’s what science isn’t: reading some shit online.

This thread :smiley_cat: is about Beans for everyone
Not science for everyone
Just saying :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yup it is, you’re right… I’ve said I’m done with that topic a few times now :blush:

So, @Osogreen261, what is the favourite plant growing foe you right now? Mine is definitely that mystery plant, but my Blueberry is smelling awfully tasty too these days… She has a very faint smell, but it is such a concentrated Blueberry smell, almost freshly Blueberry muffins, but more Blueberry-ie, lol


Ya, if you guys want to argue start your own thread.I doubt THCeed wants it on here. One of the great things about Overgrow is NOT having this BS go on.


@luxton I will be able to see them when I get back to our property in colville
I stay in the city part time till our house sells end of yr
But Im liking the coral kush I got
My favorite to this day was hella jelly and
Ex wife’s I did on my osogreen profile


Ooo coral kush, right! I forgot you had that going, right on!


They are 6 hrs away but I will have a indoor this yr soon not sure the plan yet but I have my scorpion diablo with less then 6 month on it so it should be fun


I go up every 2 to 3 weeks for weeks at a time


Oh man, I have a hard enough time with my plants being downstairs, hahaha… A 6 hour drive away though?? Damn, all I can think of is the ruddy deer eating it in peace and quiet, lol

Personally I loved the conversation! It was really good for my reputation! :smiley: shine shine

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Oh no
My children’s mom stays their full-time
But yes one day I shall do it somewhere in have to guard them

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Thanks @CanuckistanPete

We all have been led down different paths to get to the opinion that we are at now. Some of these paths have been different, therefore so are our opinions. With that in mind, it is great to share your experience with positivity about your experience but keep in mind that others may stay on their own path. Let’s keep our paths open and positive. We can walk on different roads and wave instead of throwing stones. Just my 2 cents.