Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Can you hear the waves? I love that sound.

That’s beautiful country!

Yes you can when it’s fairly windy. As you will see in the picture below it’s a fairly sheltered Harbour so doesn’t usually get too choppy.

Even the Harbour is within an even bigger sheltered bay.


Personally, I don’t like the painfully obvious lies that have been spoon fed ti people since science class “in grade 9”.

Tell a lie enough, and give it a massive marketing budget, and you’ll have the entire globe living in fear. A good example of that would be that lab released virus a couple years ago… And that right there would be another example of a fear-based item, given a MASSIVE marketing budget, putting the entire world into absolute fear, enough so that the world was literally in lockdown.

Lol, and then there are those who believe taxing the air will save humanity :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. See, that’s just hilariously silly.

So yeah, for me it’s the lies… The ignorance some show who willfully follow politicians, who are paying for the scientific reports that put us all in fear, with our own tax money… It gets quite funny actually.

If the oceans were really rising, NO insurance company would insure houses by the ocean, and we all know insurers are looking for ways to not pay out.

If you hold your head above the pig sh*t lies, you see things a little more clearly :blush:

Have a great day all :ok_hand:


oh, I see. Science doesn’t exist for you! It’s all a conspiracy!!! It’s not about what can easily be proven! It’s what I beeeeeelieves! Sad, really, that’s what got us here to where we are.


Ha! Dildo. :yum:


Oh no, science very much exists for me, but I also know that the group of scientists who released the first multi-year study of ocean temps in the Atlantic, a report which has been used in 90%+ of reports since, have come out saying they fudged the numbers because they were paid to release a specific result, which contradicted what they actually found.

I’ve looked for that release since, but it has been hurried so deep in archives I haven’t been able to source it again.

So, sorry man, I don’t mean go disrupt what you’ve been taught your whole life… Really, I don’t… But what can I say, money buys results and scientists have bills too.


Just look at how they marketed depression meds for kids
They lowered the num to call it a diagnoses to prescribe med for depressed to children
An that’s a fact that science based people manipulate the public to make money using science to f up kids that they manipulated


I think the movie based on it was called billion dollar deal

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It’s despicable, they way we are manipulated by others “in power” for financial gain.


The children are so f victimized in every f way it’s sick
I kinda have a very individual mind set I run alone most of the time because I don’t follow BS


I don’t know what your uhhh logical fallacy strawman does to disprove the plain and easy fact that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation. I’m not as smart as Carl Sagan, but I have eyes and a brain that can construct a simple experiment to falsify their claims. I welcome you to falsify that fact. I dare you.


Just beautiful.


Wow, suddenly we’re on X.

Step off your soap box, we’re having a discussion here.

Sure, carbon dioxide absorbs infrared light, however:

  1. The concentrations we have in the atmosphere aren’t what you would have done in any experiment in school, so any results you saw there aren’t effective in the real world (but, they are a great scare tactic)
  2. CO2 in the atmosphere, MAY heat up air, that is already -150 or colder, and the majority of that heat is dissipated back into space.

Please show me a time in history when the climate hasn’t changed?

I’m absolutely NOT saying the climate is changing, it 100% is, and has long before us and will long after us. But to think we have anything to do with it because we burned some oil is hilariously spoonfed information from those in power.


I just like seeds :grin:


Everyone has an opinion
A perspective
Our own thoughts
So that’s why I love it here on overgrown for yrs it’s all about a community of growing one thing or another
Weather it’s through weed :hot_pepper: chickens
Because that’s what brought us all here
Just saying :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Absolutely, the sharing of ideas is how we all learn and grow, regardless of subject :grin::ok_hand:

Speaking of growing, the mystery plant in my tent is a monster, and smells soooo good, like a sweet candy :grin:

I just wish I knew what she was! Haha


Beautiful canopy


Yes, ignore science except when it’s shoved up there and you have to admit something is true. Go down to NASA and have a talk with the Goddard scientists. Make sure to bring the evidence.
Anyone who thinks what I’m saying is an opinion, should check the data. Make sure to bring your thermal imaging. Proving this shit is childs play.


Thanks! Each bud on top is stacked about 3-4" deep, I’m super excited :grin:. My wine fridge is going to be working overtime to dry this tent of bud out :joy: