Beans for everyone (Part 3)

My second guess is 89

second guess 156

My 3rd guess is 157

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third guess will be 12 lol. good luck everyone

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  1. I’m guessing : 1

gl hf :four_leaf_clover:


Thanks much @THCeed :slightly_smiling_face:
36 for the Purple.
First guess.

Second guess 142.

Very curious about PURPLE. Second guess: 77

Don’t be a rule breaker.


Thanks again @THCeed
First pick 111

Third guess 189.

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I was sorta confused by that so waited for someone else to guess first and just followed their format. I too almost guessed the guesses in one reply so can see how it could be misconstrued by others too, especially for those where English isn’t their first language. How long between guesses for the rules? Many blessings and much love

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Just 1 guess per turn, No delay.

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That’s helpful. Thanks for the clarification. Many blessings and much love

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Number 3 for the guess of my second attempt. Many blessings and much love

I hopefully cleared that up to be more understanding.

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Number 23 for my third guess. Many blessings and much love


1st guess…137

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2nd guess…39

Third guess…183.