Beans for everyone (Part 3)

That was, well, Smooth.


Is there another way. Lol

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Third guess for me: 123


Good Morning! I need a little purple in my life, and Iā€™m feeling lucky today. :crazy_face:


Or maybe itā€™s lucky number 63

Second guess 58

24 is sure to be a good year, and a good number. Good luck everyone. Thanks @THCeed for keeping the fun going on a Sunday morning.

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Third guess 163

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Great minds think alike.

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First guess: 20

Second guess: 80

Third guess: 148

Thanks @THCeed for starting Sunday morning off with some fun! :hugs:

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171 for the first guess. Purple alright!

Second guess is 2

First guess 17

Second guess 37

Third guess 117

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Third guess 99

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First guess 57

2nd, Iā€™m guessing : 100