Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Second guess 113

3rd, Iā€™m guessing : 200

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Third guess 177
Thank you for the opportunity!

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Is it the number 13 ?

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Lucky :four_leaf_clover: #63 for the win :trophy::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Itā€™s 44 if not

My sec guess is 93

And 123 will be my last

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Thatā€™s one good way to get the thread count up fosho! :joy:

1st guess isā€¦ 14

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2nd guess is 52

3rd guessā€¦ 144
Thanks @THCeed and good luck growchachos :four_leaf_clover:

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Lets go with 88!

3rd an final guess for the run is 77

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13 šŸ¤·

10 chars

You reggae!! :grin::grin::metal:

First guess, 47

Second guess, 74

Thank you for doing this! :grin:

Last guess, Iā€™m still mentally 12, soā€¦ 69 :grin:

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First guessā€¦ 3

Second guessā€¦ 9

Last guessā€¦ 81
Thanks for the chances :+1:

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