Humidifier/dehumidifier...what does everyone have or recommend?

Want to dial things on a bit better this fall, what dehumidifier and humidifier is recommended by OG fam?


I’d like to hear what everyone is running

But I imagine It’s gonna depend a lot on your space for sure. It looks like your currently in a tent I believe right?
Do you want to try to fit the equipment in the tent, or do you want to condition the air in the room before it enters the tent?
Will this be a permanent setup, or are you going to move eventually or setup a room/larger/more tents eventually?

I’m asking because you can dial this in with just the right sized smaller/mid sized equipment for in the tent or outside the tent. If changes are coming in the future you might want to look into over sizing so there’s room for upgrades.
What kind of environmental controls do you have or will have running everything?

My setup small I just use regular home appliances.

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Running 4x4, 2x3 and 3x3 closet all in one room. Want to manage air in room which is 10 x 12.

I don’t think I will get any larger than this set up.

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The humidifier I got off Amazon last winter didn’t do anything. I might try Ideal-Air Commercial Humidifier or similar this winter. Got this guy for my set up only 4x4 works great but if your area is really dry this is only a gallon so to do a entire room probably need bigger my dehumidifier is 2 gallon that you can hook a hose to for drain if needing more than a couple gallons a day which in Chicago’s humid summers I could use. The larger I use as a lung room set up. Had to be $175/200 don’t remember model