Best time to harvest for hash production???

When’s the best time to harvest for hash production vs. keeping for flower???


wow will have to watch this, i have no idea, just assumed same as smoke bud


When I make hash I harvest at the same time I harvest for flower. I do make sure they are at peak ripeness though, cloudy/amber. Ripe is ripe


thats what i do as well, but thougfht about it and i just assume, never knew any real hash people and learned from hightimes way back

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70 - 75% Amber, going longer produces a more “Stoner High”. Ripe is ripe, indeed, is the standard. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :100: :heart_eyes:


Frencycannoli recently posted this on IG.

Though thats where I usually harvest flower so…


Generally the consumer prefers a lighter colored product, so harvesting before the trichomes turn amber is more desirable. Plus the terps are stronger at an earlier harvest time. If you are going for strength, take them all the way. If you are going for “appeal” harvest a little early. This of course is if you are making hash rosin. I hope this helps!


I believe it is the same as flower, go by the trichomes and the color you look for varies based on your desired effect. Like you want to harvest amber trichomes for higher couch lock.

I would say it matters a lot more what you do immediately after harvest. If you’re keeping it more than a week or two before making it into hash you want to dry it, otherwise fresh frozen for hash… depends on your processing method though I guess. I LOVE fresh frozen concentrate, but I have yet to make any at home.


Ditto to the above.

I’ll assume that even Msr. Frahnchy :blush: would say that is a rough guideline and it really will fluctuate depending on the plant variety, growing environment, and type of extraction or concentrate desired as finish product.Initial test washes/batches with as many sieves as you have will reveal where the bulk of your trichomes will end up(what size).

Fresh frozen, super gently hand-stirred old fashioned bubble(ice-water) hash yielded me some pink wax-grade bubble that tasted like boysenberry syrup or rasberry gelato. Still haven’t hit that same quality in 2-3 years. :man_shrugging:

My personal experience is only a couple hundred times making hash. Frenchy spent nearly a decade smoking charas & apprenticing with Afgani hashmakers, touching resin all day. I don’t believe anything he says OUTSIDE of hashmaking (e.g. cannabis being used by humans for 100 million years…probably got lost in translation but shiiieeeeet man, cmon).

Forgot I was rolling cones… :v:



Here I thought vigorous was where its at… I shall try gentle next batch