BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

Oh I almost forgot!!! Guess who is germinating Chunky junky and blue tara in the next few days!!! Ooooohwwweeeeeeee it’s gonna be a good 1 buddy! 🪴 :seedling: :herb:


Dude! I’m honored you’re running my beans.

Ok. Here is my entire method of soil usage.
I get a large bag of Happy Frog and a small bag of perlite. Mix that together in a large plastic bin. Muse that to plant in. Always. So once I pop my seeds, I get my beer cups ready. Fill them about three quarters full of mix. This way, if the seedlings get leggy, i can add a bit more mix to the cup. Water as normal. Only water. No nutes. Wait for roots to develop. Usually a couple weeks. Then prepare my intermediate sized plot. I use two gallon nursery pots if possible. I do this by. Filling the pot with the mix. Size a hole with a beer cup. Put some mycos in the hole and transplant. Water again as normal. The mix already has enough nutes for about three weeks or so. So no nutes. About three to four weeks i should be big enuff for another transplant into her final home. I use five gallon buckets. Any ways, i do the same thing as my first up pot. No nutes for a couple weeks. Then start feeding regular. Usually I try to keep the ppm 1000 or lower. and always adjust ph to between 5.8 and 6.2.
And after i have my plant dialed in, i can adjust as needed.
That’s pretty much it.


Also. I have a plastic trash container for used soil. I will get rid of the roots and stems after harvest and put the used soil in the plastic bin. Lets it cook by itself for a grow cycle. Re use that every other cycle for about five of six grows and then transfer it to my outside garden and flower bed. And start over new.


Do you add anything to your used soil before letting it sit for a cycle?

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Got my babies up potted and into their temporary home today under a new mars hydro ts-2000 in my 2 x 4 closet until I get the new 4 x 4 tent put up then they will go in there. Something I’ve wanted for years now finally spent the money now if I can only not fuck it up :crossed_fingers:

Two on left are Blue Tara two on right are SD x SQ and two in the middle are Mikey’s Chunky Junky. They are a lil unhappy from being up potted will pep up tomorrow


Nope. Just soil. I have put holes in the bottom of my used soil bin. And every so often I open it up and spray with water. But normally I just leave it alone. When I first started doing this, I would fill my pots up and run fresh water thru until I got around 100 ppm. But after trying it without doing that, I could see no difference. Maybe because there is not much left in the soil for nutrients. I usaully run just ph’ed water during the last week of flower, so the nutrients are pretty much gone by the time the soil is placed in the bin.

Or maybe I have just “lucked out”!


[quote=“GallacreekD66, post:265, topic:153493”]Have faith in yourself, man. And remember, if things go south, you have support here. Also remember, no one is perfect. You will have many failures. Just don’t give up. Everyone has failures or maybe its just me. Hehe.


I’m going to wait a little longer to dial in tent because I’m not very close to correct temps… I need try to stay below 80… and I’m at 83 ish currently… gonna try a few things and see if it helps…

I didn’t know u saved your soil!! That’s pretty cool I need to eventually learn how to re-ammend it correctly… I want to save mine too it’ll get more costly just buying new each time lol :laughing:


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @BigMike55, @JohnnyPotseed, @MoBilly, @m0sirys, and the rest of OG! Glad to have made it to Friday in this heat wave! :hot_face: :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning boys and girls. Stay cool today. And drink lots of water.


Morning everyone.


Heres a little trichome shot i just got.



Looks like a couple weeks to go…….


Yup. Two to three in my opinion.


That is an amazing picture buddy! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat:
Stunning and stupendous! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


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Oooh cloudy with a good chance of amber is the prediction today!


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!


Good morning @BigMike55, got some more babies I see, great luck with those gems!