BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

What a time to be out of like…that’s alright because I LOVE IT!!!

Thanks. I think the swelling is about done. Just need to ripen a tad more. I’m very happy with this particular plant. It came from the very first female I got from my Chunky Junky. I may be a bit biased but she’s frickin beautiful.
And I have kept any boys away from her. Those are sinsemilla buds right there.


Man those are friggin thick!!! I hope to God I can do that with the Chunky junky

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What light do u flower with again? Just curious as to how my light stacks up against some of u guys growing indoors

My Blue Tara is not too far behind. Not quite as chunky but very nice solid buds. And smells really sweet creamy to me. I think CJ is gonna outperform the BT, but not my much. About another week on either of them. I’m as excited as a baby raccoon. It happens every time I get close to harvest.


Yeah I bet… it’s hard not to get excited when ur that close

My flower tent has a Mars Hydro FC4800 bar style light. I think its 480 watts.
Nice for the 4x4 tent. If it took a shit right now, I would be on Amazon ordering another, next day delivery, I like it that much.
In flower I gradually increase the volume knob until it gets to 100%. I don’t know why. It probably would be no difference if I just started out at 100%. Early flower I’m about 18" to 24" from the canopy. Late in flower I drop that to about a foot from the tops. I figure that’s enuff space to keep from burning the tops and close enuff to allow good light penetration for the lower buds.
Again. That’s just me. Your mileage may vary.


I was just curious… I mean I could buy the best light on the market… and not do as good as u guys using a shitty light for all that matters lol… I was just curious as to what it was because those plants do look amazing… u clearly have it all dialed in 🤌

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That sounds like optimal coverage for finishing buds.


Yes, she looks way chunky. Chubby even. :fire::fire::hot_face: Gorgeous buds!

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I grew one season under HPS combined with LED. That was the best season ever.

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I was just reading about hps and led together

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Your pictures make me wanna get one going right away. Soon tho.

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Your old-man grows some Nice plants
@Xianpreservation83 !!!

Good Luck with the Autos!!!

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:eyeglasses: :exploding_head:
I can’t wait! lol



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Whoa, they do keep looking better and better…what’s the smells like on her? We all like em thick, :drooling_face:. Keep on and grow on, great energy in here BigMike! :green_heart:

Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!

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Good morning Big Mike and OGs, CJ still getting better every day brother, popping mine in a couple days now!

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Thanks for the kudos, my friends. And good morning everyone. I can feel a great day coming.