BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

Straight bulldog hahahaha

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Not so much now:



Still don’t think I would try and rub the Mohawk yet

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Remember when he was Clubber Lange in the Rocky movies??


Hell yeah… he threw wild hooks lmao… I pity the fool that let’s 1 land…

Oh man just imagine!!! Hahahaha :laughing:

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Yeah he was twice the size of sly lol

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In one of the issues of Sports Illustrated they had life-size pictures of some well known athletes hands (open and closed fist). One was Mohamed Ali.
I’m a pretty danged big guy, but that mans fist was a good 30% larger than mine!
It would take a whole lot of greenbacks for me to take a shot from someone like that. It could be life-changing. lol


The Sheriff and deputies, also the Fire Chief and regular firefighters, all gather in the front of the Firehouse beside our house, about 60’ from my front door and all tell me the Ganja smell is strong where they can smell it, lol but they all know we grow and don’t ever bother us. Even when we might be sitting on the front porch smoking and wave to each other.
You’ve been here @BigMike55 and know how close the Firehouse is to us, lol
The Chief likes to come over to the fence and say hi to our pups. lol 20’ from where we’re smoking


That’s awesome!!! They’d all storm me if I did that lol

Well when we were commercial growers for years here, they all HAD to know! lol We were on ‘the list’ with addy info and all. The smell from the barn travels a good way, lol We got inspected several times, always with passing colors, no infractions… they know we obeyed the law!


Oh pretty sure they know my business . I don’t mess with 'em , wave all nice & polite like . Some are vets & know me that way . Hell some of 'em I most likely bought their ROTC target rifle .


Regular, no question. I know that whereof I speak, because I just had to kill this big, beautiful male. And it’s still worth it. :+1:


They’re always so pretty looking aren’t they?

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Pretty enough for me to think it’s a female! :joy: :sob::sob:

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Gotta watch out these days bwahahahaha

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So beautiful, definitely great looking medicine


Good morning Big Mike and all the other enjoy your day brother!


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!

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Morning everyone. I might have a free day today. Caught up on my chores yesterday. I’m tryna decide what my plan is.

  1. Get as high as humanly possible.
  2. Drink lots of coffee.
  3. Get high.