BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

Awesome to hear, yeah I tried that CPAP also but couldn’t do it, felt like that sigourney weaver movie the “Alien” with that thing on my face lol


Morning brother @JohnnyPotseed supposed to be back to the heat again today. Yesterday was nice and overcast. Low 90’s. Warming back up today. Stay cool.


Calling for 96 today. Not too bad, lol but tomorrow getting hotter and then the HEAT comes starting Monday!

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Dang, yeah I saw that heat is pretty much going to be directly overhead you guys for awhile, yuck.

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Have you tried clonning CJ yet, curious how she does with that?

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Haha. Exactly how I felt. I did the sleep study over 20 years ago. They got the CPAP for me. I tied it twice and put it in the closet. Actually had to dust it off and clean it up before I could use it.
They have these little pillow looking things now that just go to your nostrils instead of that Alien piece of shit. They are not near as intrusive.


IKR?! lol I hated that damn thing! I’ve done two of em over the years… No more! There were more wires hooked up to me than at a telephone switchboard!

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I don’t know. Have not tried it. I have eight young plants of CJ going right now about a foot tall or so. Give them another week or two and I could take a few cuttings and try.
My main goal this run is to find a good boy or two. Capture some pollen. And make some seeds for the masses.


I wonder if the VA has that setup, I’ll have to call them up, last I checked they still had the old ones. I know it would help out alot on sleeping through the whole night. My buddy just harvested the Blue Tara, his first grow and definitely was introduced to almost every problem in the book with growing lol. But we did get him through his first grow and his smile was well worth it when we were trimming last night, good thing there was only 2 make it but made trim jail alot easier lol. We’ll off to go canoeing and fishing with the boy this morning, you all have a great day!!!


Good morning my friend and friends!


Have fun fishing bro. Don’t forget to leave some fish for seed. Then you can come back and catch them again.


I hear ya, today we are just going after some crappies, little secret honey hole we found. Only keep what we will eat that day!!


My favorite eating fish! Good luck Sailorboy!

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Yeap he’s 10 and can fillet a fish just like the best of them!

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That’s the way to do it.
And anyone who has never eaten Crappie, is missing one of the finer things in life.


Goodmorning buddy … damn I’m up early lol

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Good morning :sun_with_face: @BigMike55, @JohnnyPotseed, @MoBilly & the rest of guys! Hope your day is off to a good start! :beach_umbrella::ocean::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::sun_with_face::peace_symbol:


Morning @BigMike55 and everyone. As a fellow CPAP user I can say that getting used to it sucks, but once you do, you will realize how poorly you sleep without it. Not to mention all the horrible things untreated sleep apnea does to our bodies. Don’t give up.


I grew up on a farm and crappie was the main fish in our pond… crappie bluegill and bass and channel catfish… very good memories!!


I love me any of those crappie, perch, bluegill type fish filleted and fried in a nice beer batter :drooling_face:

Edit: as long as I’m not the one doing all that filleting :crazy_face:

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