BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

Good morning Mike, good morning OG’s, beautiful morning here in the buckeye state. Have nice weekend buddy.:peace_symbol:

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Good morning :sun_with_face: @BigMike55, @JohnnyPotseed, @MoBilly, @m0sirys, @Greenfingers, @Golfnutt, @Terpsnpurps, and the rest of the gang. Just came in from taking Cooper Morgan :dog: for a walk and it’s already 75* and humid. Time to get a buzz :honeybee: and some coffee :coffee:. Got to beat the heat again today! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good Morning brother Mike, & all OG!


Good morning everyone.
Looks like another steamy day in store. Be careful out there.
On a better note… Outside plants are handling the heat pretty well.


Good morning brother! And to all here as well!


Yo brother Mo. Bet its quiet around your place this morning. Sad to see the kids have to go home. Hope you spoiled her beyond belief!


As much as humanly possible. lol


Hehehe. That what your supposed to do. Send her home with an attitude, but not enough to get her in deep trouble with mom.


Good morning big Mike and Mo. Sorry about your loss brother. Maybe it was a good thing. The kids weren’t there to be a part of that.


True. I’m glad she didn’t have to see that.


Good morning friends. Man I had an awesome sleep. Took some of the best gummies I ever had yesterday. Couldn’t wipe the grin off my face for hours then passed out and slept like a baby. Good meds


Lol how many did u take? My wife can take 1000 MG of edibles… I cannot lol. @GallacreekD66

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Rso is our go to for edibles. But prepare for a long ride!!

Goodmorning brother Mike and the rest of og !!

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I have not tried that high a dosage. I usually do 50mg before bed and it relaxes me enough to nod out and stay asleep. Ill try 100mg at some point bud 50s work well for me. And my wife only does 25mg and says that helps her a lot. Occasionally she will do 50mg but usually just 25.


I’m the same mike… it gets me fucked up lol… like I said… the wife can do 1000… it’s insane! I tried 500 last time and regretted it under a deep panic mode for about 3 and a half hours lmao

This is what we been doing at night. Basically cuz i cant make good gummies.


I took 150 yesterday and was excellent. I used to take them ALOT and my tolerance went thru the roof. Yesterday was probably first time in a year and was wonderful. Bout the time the 100 was kickin in me and buddy split another for shits n giggles. It was a fun ride


Brother Mobilly says he can’t get off on edibles. Maybe if he tried 50 or 100mg. I know, when gummies were first available, I knew nothing of dosage. I tried the Smokies. 10mg. They did nothing. Tried two got nothing. Did three Started to get a little something. I settled at 50mg. Bottom line, those Smokies are very weak. You hafta take a half a sack to get anything at all.


You should try 500… just 1 time lol it’s a hell of a ride bro hahahaha… :joy:

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