Biobizz Products Material Safety Data Sheet


Chemical characterization: Seaweed suspension
Ecological effects: Vitality booster and growth stimulant for plants

Bio Bloom

Chemical characterization: Molasses and seaweed
Form: 35% water suspension
Ecological effects: Liquid fertilizer bloom stimulant

Bio Grow

Chemical characterization: Beet extract
Form: Treacle substance
Ecological effects: Vegetative growth stimulant and soil improver


Chemical characterization: Fulvic acids and humic acids
Form: 40% water suspension
Ecological effects: Bloom stimulator

Fish mix

Chemical characterization: Beet extracts
Form: Lob ate
Ecological effects: Organic plant nutrient, growth stimulant

Bio heaven

Chemical characterization: Amino acids and humic acids
Form: 40% water suspension
Ecological effects: Stimulant

Root juice

Chemical characterization: Humic acid
Form: 30% water suspension
Ecological effects: Root stimulator


people love paying for high water percentagesXD

Well I am actually buying BioBizz bottles for all my soil projects :slight_smile: if I’am not experimenting with something else like GH Biosevia. I’m very satisfied with performance of Biobizz and taste of final product.

Smell of Fish mix really reminded me of algae, it really surprised me to find that it is actually extract from beet. Well, marketing really works and I was completely mislead by word “Fish” :slight_smile:

I’m adding nutrient schedule for completeness…

oh ya, biobizz works great, just wait till you try kelp, neem and malted barley. youl be like “dayyyuuuummmmmmmmm son”