What is your nute program

Just throwing this out there for conversation and sharing.
What is your nutrient program, IE, product and schedule. I am from the old school so I still use General hydroponics flora series three part but have added Kool bloom to my schedule as well. I also cut in cut in some H2O2 to the mix .
I have modified the 3,2,1 veg and 1,2,3 bloom program to accomadate plant needs through the cycle.
I look forward to people sharing their nute programs.


Do you know the NPK values and PPM #'s your running???


I run the gh flora series with diamond nectar (humic acid) added and liquid kool bloom in flower. Seedlings get 200ppm veg gets 4-600 and flower I’ve run as high as 1400ppm. I usually increase feed until I see an issue then back it of a couple hundred ppm


Back in the day, old schooler too, running D.W.C. I used Envy A. Envy B. 2 part mix. More A for veg. More B for flower., per. directions on containers. Taken a few weeks to fine tune the amount to add to get perfect tip burn. Plants blew up. Unbelievable. Added some bat guano, super thrive , h2o2, and finally honey. Never needed to flush. No chem aftertaste was as close to organic as you can get without being 100% organic. Now I’m doing K.n.f. . making own nuits. And superfoods


OP you read my mind!:smiley:
Yesterday I spent hours online trying to find a chart with the PPM targets ranges of very single nutrient for optimal growth of cannabis…(Of course an average range cause those targets are depending on strain, environment and method of growing)

I had to search thru hundreds of feeding charts from nutrient companies that basically only tell you the amount of their recipe to use or the total PPM of the whole nutrient solution but not the specific range of every single element…

I think instead it would be very useful to get a chart that shows you those ranges
The only thing I found is this

It seems very generic and I can’t figure out which crop are they talking about :laughing: but that’s what im looking for more or less…

I used to grow in organic soil but im discovering this “new” game called Hydro…and it gets interesting day after day…:monkey::relaxed:


Outside grower here! I have soil tests yearly and amend accordingly. So all organic. Mostly liquid fish and cal mag drenches, some micronutrient foliars and kelp. Malted barley as top dressing. Popcorn sprout tea in preflower. Last year experimented on my outdoor container grows. Grew some autos in organic bag soil, with fish fert and various organic teas. Also, tried megacrop (hated it) so finished with some cheap ass alaska bloom formula fish fert (actually worked great!).

Next season, will be getting a soil test again for ground plants and gonna try Jacks on my container grows.


I’m currently using fox farms trio with a tea-spoon of cal mag per gallon. Plants seem to enjoy it. Once I get some good grows and harvests. I’m going to explore other nutes to use


Using Jacks 5-12-26. In coco, dtw. Feeding 3-4x daily in flower.

Have used these in the past.
GH Trio


That seems really high in calcium on paper but I’m intrigued. I haven’t had the balls to go that heavy handed on the calimagic. :grin: No ill effects at all?


Yes, it it heavy. I appreciate your feedback.
I had a bit of a cal/mag def early on, so I was making up for it.

Here’s the mix I’m transitioning to. Suggestions appreciated. Learning as I grow. :evergreen_tree:

My understanding is that too much CA can cause lockouts of P or K???
I suspect I did that a few runs back by having high CA and high K.


cheers I just learned how to use the nutrient calculators this year so I’m trying to figure it out as well and learn as I go. I’m very intrigued with jacks but it’s not easy to get in Canada so I went with megacrop. Here’s what I’m feeding.

5 grams of Megacrop and 2 grams of Epsom per gallon works out very similar in values to the 3/2/1 recipe. It was flawless for veg and early flower. I tried to use this the whole way through but the plants didn’t seem to like the high N content midway through flower so I dropped the mega some and added GH flora bloom to compensate for the lost p and k. Not perfect by any means but it’s working.


No doubt it’s working, I’ve drooled on more than one of your bud porn posts. lol

The main calculator I’ve been using is the one at angelfire. Along with collecting numbers when available.

I have some sheets with MC in them.


i run 100% coir DTW. GH cocotek veg a&b, bloom a&b, RO water, 2ml calmag per gal before i start adding nutes. total ppm in flower is 600-1200ppm topping out @ 1.6EC. floralicious @ 1ml/gal, liquid koolbloom starting at week 3 of bloom. i feed every watering, about every 5 days currently, i noticed coco is starting to get hydrophobic so ill start using yucca extract as a surfactant. my ph is always low in the nute mix, so i use silica to bring up my PH before feeding.


I use plant magic nutes uk. Think had something to do with ot#1 originally.
I like these nutes cause don’t tell you double what you need.
I got on boat late and the company had been sold. But I’ve learned to dial in apropiatly

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Here we have Snoop’s Gin & Juice coco starter kit. Compliments of my local hydro hut.

It should be worth a few stacks some day. NOT! Lol

No plans to use it.


Now that looks like some serious nutes!

I’m using fox farms trio. $25 for three bottles, Did not seem like a bad deal


Holy shit, that is a “starter pack” wtf. Snake oil to me. lol


Has anyone ever used Sea Magic?

@gramps What organic nute was it again that you use on your outdoor plants?

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Mega crop (v2), and have being using 1ml/L of calmag. Was using koolbloom powder but it kept burning everything, I now use this stuff a friend had leftover called massive to boost pk and have started messing with Alaskan morbloom 0-10-10 but the pH of it is JACKED…it comes out to like 4.5ph when mixed wtf

Tbh I’m not that happy with mega crop, but I bought a giant bag so keep trying to dial it in. I was using canna aqua before it and didn’t love that either.

The best results I’ve had in the last few years have been with good old 2 part A/B stuff like DNF or nutri plus. I think once I get pissed enough at mega crop I’ll end up switching back to that with some kind of organic add-on like liquid karma or pureblend (regular not pro)