Bitcoin for beginners

Hmmm altruism…
Maybe a little bit of insight into Bitcoin. In it’s beginning it was used as an alternative payment system, this is the general public perception of it.
There is more to the story though! It was set up as a genius way of making alot of money. You see you bought bitcoin and then paid for your item with the Bitcoin you purchased. The individuals selling you the Bitcoin were the same people selling you fly swatters. Genius; because the Bitcoin had a small value, when you purchased the Bitcoin and then used it to buy items the vendors were basically making double profit, once from the sale if Bitcoin and then again when you paid with Bitcoin.:grin::grin::grin::grin:

Now if there were a new crypto, say Hempcoin, this model could be used again, but instead of the vendors making double you just give the actual $$$ back to the purchaser keeping the Hempcoin and your profit all while being FREE to the consumer. This could be used for seeds, shipping and Supplies.

I was staying in another thread that there should be a “kennel club” type organization for MJ. They could use this…

Edit: can I copywrite “Hempcoin”? :wink::grin::wink:


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