Black Snow: The Grow Show

Rip little one

his roots will provide for the next clone that goes into this pot

Looking good tho .

Thanks for making the seeds and to Doug for sharing . My bad I went 1 out of 10 . I’ve since lost another 5 seeds even after cutting the mix with 50% seed starting mix. Obviously something in there the little ones can’t handle. I’ll stick with good old pro mix seed starter straight up from now on . Weird tho some thrived some died .


heck yes, thats the plan as soon as i can get back at it! Yours are definitely going to be in my next run


if you still want to grow some black snow right away i can get a pack out to you but i won’t be at the post office til next tuesday. let me know. my shipping method is expensive so i could only afford to ship within the US.


Looking really tasty now. Should only be a few days on this now. I’m guessing this is the triangle leaner. Thinking it’ll be around 9.5 weeks.

The other plant has some impressively dense flowers. I’ve had to stake branches that don’t look like they need it, due to the weight. Also not far off finish.


I have really enjoyed following along with this grow thread.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I don’t expect a lot for two weeks of flowering but everything is going according to plan.


Happy birthday @anonymous4289 :birthday:


Have a happy one @anonymous4289 Have a huge joint on you brother
Enjoy :partying_face: :birthday: :beers: :fork_and_knife: :beers: :cake: :cupcake:


thanks guys, much appreciated


how did you know? lol


Bookmarked a comment you made hoping to spread some joy. Thank you for all your contributions and efforts. Overgrow!


Happy Birthday @anonymous4289 !
Have a great day. :slightly_smiling_face: :v:


ah. thanks guys.


Happy birthday brudda! Once more around the sun!


thank you. nice start to a year so far.


Hey thanks for the offer!! I’m in canada :frowning: don’t really do seeds in the summer too warm for 2 tents . I start them when the outdoor work load ceases .

I will stick around and checkout the results . Again thanks for opportunity maybe next time


Happy Birthday @anonymous4289!

The good

Here’s some pictures of these girls in the shower to follow the up close and personal pictures I recently posted.

What a gorgeous green to show off those big booty fan leaves. Looks like I forgot to tie down some branches but the night is young, plenty of time to put that off another day. The middle and rightmost plants are still quite malleable, but the one on the left is as solid as a tree. Already cracked her down the middle during veg when I had considered training her, though you wouldn’t know it looking at her today.

Speaking of lefty, I think she is getting sick of her 3 gallon living quarters. New growth is looking healthy but the larger and lower fan leaves are showing discoloration. With four weeks of flower already behind us I don’t think this will be an issue for too much longer.

The Bad

Look how beat up these girls are looking. I wasn’t kidding when I said I should look for a fan with varying and lesser degrees of intensity, this one is mutilating anything within a two foot radius.

Even the big beautiful fan leaves are falling victimto such treachery, at least on the sides nearest to the fan. You may also notice I set up a plastic barrier between the pots and the fans as the non-stop high intensity air circulation is very effective at drying out the soil completely.

The Ugly

These cuttings have been sitting in a forgotten solo cup since February. Incidentally they are only remaining descendants of the bushiest plant in the shower.

Despite having taken and rooted dozens of black snow cuttings it seems I have somehow misplaced all of them. The good news from all of this is that there will be more black snow growing across the land than we will ever know. No stopping it either like when the cloned dinosaurs got free in Jurassic Park, and just like Jurassic Park it’s all thanks to some wacky cloning experiments.

After finding these two dehydrated survivors desperately clinging to life in a party cup they were rescued and transplanted into these cool miniature SIP pots that performed so admirably for the girls presently in the shower. I also top dressed with some malted barley powder as I read it reduces transplant shock, and the plants always seem to enjoy such ministrations. I’m sure when I come to remember about them next they will be well on the way to becoming magnificent trees.

Bonus Round

This Black Snow was formerly a member of the backup roster who was neglected and forgotten about in one of the very same miniature SIP pots. I didn’t post too many pictures out of embarrassment but this plant is making a fine comeback.

Not that I’m really so foolish or negligent but I am constrained by the number of pots and the amount of grow space available to me. Still honing my scheduling game.

These pictures showcase my training technique involving little more than a salvaged headphone cord and some discarded pieces of copper station wire. Learned that one from MacGuyver.

The sex of the plant is still to be determined, but I was determined to put some cuttings in water after a bit of topping and pruning.

Well that’s it for now, but the pictures are only going to get better from here.

Kinda funny, it’s @anonymous4289’s birthday but it feels like he was the one who lavished all of us with gifts. Thank you :pray:



thanks man.

oops, you fixed it

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That is exactly why I rarely post my plants, lol.


Happy Birthday @anonymous4289!!! :grinning::partying_face::crazy_face:

Is there anywhere else in the spare bathroom you can place the fan? A counter next to the sink? Or even slap a piece of plywood on the sink if you can and put the fan there to add some distance.