Bless This 3 Tent Mess

This is a continuation of My 1st Journal. I wanted to start a fresh one for the new year. This is grow #5 for me so I am definitely still learning. My goals for this is to get more consistent results because so far I either get good yields of mediocre bud or small yields of great dope. Anyway here’s what I have going:

Tent 1
36x20x62" with an aglex 2000. I believe it’s 400w with bloom and veg switches on, but I typically only run the veg lights. Currently running 2 raspberry berets and 1 trophy wife from 7east genetics and 2 kwikseeds mixed landrace afghans

The bed is a 25 gallon fabric pot and the soil is 1/3 promix hp, 1/3 lava rock, 1/3 compost. All I really feed is 3 tbsp a week of gaia green power bloom or all purpose.

Tent 2:
30x18x36" with a mars hydro 600 from 2017.

I keep clones in the milk crates to keep them out of the main light, though I do have 20w led strips in the bottom crate. The larger plants are some Maries Wings (Peyote Critical x Salty Watermelon) mothers, and the smaller are Grape pie x Orange goji generously gifted to me by @ShiskaberrySavior .

Tent 3
24x24x48" with a mars hydro ts600

Here we have 10 Black Market Breeders’ Pole Dancers also gifted by @ShiskaberrySavior. I am considering trying to flower these out in this tent with this light to see if 100w will cut it.


I got my fingers crossed for you hope you find a couple keepers .


I am sure I will because all of the crosses were right up my alley


Looks great so far @vincentadultman!, pulling up a chair.


Thank you! My biggest enemy so far has been heat so I’m hoping for smooth sailing this winter.


Pulling up a chair…

How are you applying the power bloom?



I just scatter it over the top. Usually I let my cover crop get overgrown and chop it down after I top dress so it keeps it semi covered.


I was mixing it up in a little soil and topdressing but I can only do that a couple times. I wondered about applying directly and watering…



I used to do this but I overfilled the pot and don’t really have room anymore. After this run I may take a couple gallons out so I have more space.


Every week!? I’ve been doing every 3 weeks as directed on the back of the tub using 3 tbsp for my 3 gallon pots.

I similarly added it to my 15 gallon no-till at 3 tbsp but far less frequently- its not an exact science approach.

Judging by that lush greenery in your photo, you’ve got the application much better figured out.

That’s what I do. Seems we are in good company.


I used to feed once a month but I decided to try it weekly based on some advice
on my old journal. 3 tbsp a week is only 12 a month, which is 1/2 the recommended dose.


Had to move my Marie’s Wings mothers to the taller tent as they grew into the light of this one. The pole Dancers are in here now and are blowing up.


Student loans are finally in so I treated myself to some seeds
~20 malana Banana from 7eastgenetics, the ~20 Palestinian Princess were freebies. I also have some f2 peanut butter breath from kropduster on strainly on the way.

All of the seeds are in some propogation trays, heat mats should be here tomorrow so that should help speed up germination.

Moved my filter and fan outside of the tent and raised the light another 5 inches. I can now run it at full power without raising the canopy temp stupid high. My cheap duct fan does NOT like pushing through the filter (which I expected) so I’ll probably switch everything back but we’ll see.
I also put the Grape Pie x orange gojis in the flower tent so I can sex them.


Some filters work better than others when pushing air through them as well.


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I may have missed it, but why do you have the fan pushing through the filter instead of pulling? I was under the impression they’re more efficient that way
Edit: meaning the filter is more efficient, not the fan

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Definitely is more efficient. Basically I moved the filter, fan, and hose to the outside of the tent for the extra space in the tent but the only way that works is if the fan blows through the filter

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Ah, I see.
Also I’ve been meaning to give you props for the username/avatar, the first couple seasons of Bojack had me laughing so much! :joy::rofl:


It really is a great show. I relate alot to Vincent so I figured it was a good choice, that and the name usually isnt taken :joy:


Heat mats + propogation trays are a godsend. I have seeds popping in 3 days without soaking.

Took the enormous leaves off of the pole Dancers cause the humidity was getting excessive. Switching to 12/12 for a few days to weed out the males.

Mw2 mom was becoming a bush so I stripped it down a bunch. I put the mw1 plant in a 5 gallon so I can flower it out in this tent at some point.

Spun the pot around and pulled the plants apart with rope ratchets, tried to supercrop the tall afghan but split the stem as I do every time I try supercropping. Patched it up with micropore tape but it’s gonna need a stake to keep it up.
Some plants have a touch of burn on the tips so I’m holding off on top dressing this week. That said overall they look good.

Peanut butter breath f2s are in as well as some Mac crasher freebies from kropduster.


Finally starting to see some buds and a little frost. The big landrace afghan smells like sandalwood and the smaller frostier one smells like brut.
To the far left is an old revegged mw1 clone that I just put in the flower tent cause I don’t want to keep it anymore.

Trophy wife showing the most frost and also a touch of tip burn. Can’t tell if there are pink pistils or if that’s just the red of the light.