Noob's Attempt at "No-Till"

My 3rd grow but my 1st attempt at organic. Not sure if it would really be considered no-till because I haven’t given it any compost teas or anything.
I’m using a 36 gallon tote for a raised bed with soil consisting of 1/3 promix, 1/3 compost, 1/3 lava rock, and gaia green ap/power bloom, kelp meal, and insect frass for ammendments.
I started flowering 07/25/21 but I really have no idea when I started them.
Sorry for shitty pics my phone camera is ass


Quality is horrible but they’re getting tall


They look pretty happy to me so I’d say your doing something they like.

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Thanks dude compared to synthetic it’s been super easy going so far. The only shitty part is the smell of the amendments!


Also the strains are Ermergerd and The Best by JAH Seeds. Anyone run his gear before?


They are pretty bushy so you may want to thin them out a little here real soon. Looks like you’re well 9n your way to a happy harvest.

Less shit quality pic of the canopy. A little pale and some burn on the tips here and there but I think most of that is because they’re stretching into the light and I don’t really have room to bend them. It does need some more defoliation for sure


It’s been a few weeks and the flower stretch was pretty intense as you can see they’re getting pretty burnt at the tops since they’re probably 8" away from the light. Not sure if the yellowing is also because of the light or if it’s a nutrient issue but since it’s only in the spots too close to the light I’m gonna assume it’s because of that.
I also have been letting my bed get more dry than I should because I had a large amount of fungus gnats recently. For this I’ve been using mosquito bits which seem to be working well so far.


Also I’m only able to run my light at 1/2 strength (it has a veg and bloom switch) since I want to keep my tent under 40 celsius.

My veg tent is pretty pack right now. I’ve got 2 clones from the ermergerd in my flower tent on the right as well as an aloe tucked in the back. On the left I’ve got some freebie seeds I got from a friend of a friend called Marie’s Wings. I believe it’s peyote critical x watermelon.
I planted them in soil meant for a pepper plant outdoors forgetting about the compost in it so they were pretty stunted and gnarly looking for a week or 2 but it looks like they’ll be ok now.
I’ve also got some peppers and spices starting in the solo cups. Planning on hanging some shower caddys or something in the tent so I have more room for pots.

Seeds that were generously given to me by @PetalPowerseed that I plan on running when I get some space in the veg tent. Cross sounds like some serious fire and the packaging is super professional looking.


flip the bag and take a shot. That bag is my newest baby.


My bad here ya go


Figured I would give it a top dress today so I gave em 3/4 power bloom 1/4 all purpose at 2 tbsp/gal, as well as some kelp meal and insect frass.
Mixed the powders with a good helping of pro mix+perlite and clover seeds, watered in, and covered in plastic so I can hopefully get some clovers going in the heat.

Still dealing with light burn but I think I’m just gonna leave the tall burnt parts on to shade the lower buds.


Well both my tents are looking a little sad right now :cry: hopefully nothing that they can’t recover from but we will see. I made a post about the issues already so I’m not gonna go into great detail beyond I have unknown issues in both tents that I’m trying to diagnose.

Veg Tent

New Girls in the Veg Tent


Well besides some possible nanners and many burnt leaves the buds are starting to bulk up and look nice. As long as all these burnt leaves don’t rot I might still end up with an OK harvest or at least some decent hash.


I still got to get a pack of @PetalPowerseed !
Your plants are looking great out of likes for the moment but I’ll be back to leave some .

Is that a Phlizon box fan light? I had some plants that didn’t react that well to the Blurps on the Phlizon and I don’t really know what part of them ticked em off. It looks like you’re using the COBs in the flower tent, though, which should be whites, so maybe it is something else? I mostly grow outdoors and also have some boards so I haven’t had occasion to bust them out in a long time though.

Flower tent has an aglex 2000w led which is pretty beefy and honestly too much light for my tent i think.

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I think they should be similar in terms of components; the “2000W” is like 430w draw with 4 COBs and a bunch of two-chip bubble diodes in a mix of blurple with some whites and IR diodes, right?

Yeah that sounds exactly like what it is. The last grow I used it on full power and really didn’t have issues so I’m 90% sure I just waaay overfed them


If your sprinkling dry chemical into the tops of the pots and watering it in 100% over fed .
Bet if you checked the run off the ph will be high and ppm will be in the 2000’s