Blue Cheese Gurls

Started around the 15th January 2019:


I’ll suss out the how, why and wherefore of uploading and size one day, in the meantime this is my diary of 2 Blue Cheese Ladies who just love to grow for me :heart_decoration: Bom Shiva


Hi @Bhang1008
Those are nice looking seedlings.
Thanks for sharing.

Could you give us the skinny on medium, nutrients etc.?


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Just about do that, so coming up :+1:

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The easiest way is that I use Plant Magic dirt, additives and nutrients. Plant Magic does everything and I find it gives me excellent results, so why stop using what gives me some excellent bud ?

Good roots give good bud. Plant Magic Soil a blend of Sphagnum Peat, Fytocell Foam, Soil Bloom; Soil Grow; Bio-Silicon - leaf & stem strengthener; Oldtimer Organic Granules (mycorzia) Soil-Enhancer - Significantly increases root mass; Soil Supreme; PM Essence; Root Stimulant; Bloom Boost PK; Platinum Premium PK 9-18.
Obviously, I don’t necessarily use them all, however I want my girls to have the best start in life so I may have need to use some of them.

Pips popped on the 15 of January and potted. They’re now at 20 days so I’ll start to use a root enhancer like ‘Plant Magic Root Stim’ as up to now all they’ve had is water.

:sparkler: Bom Shiva

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I wouldn’t be changing a thing looking great for there age!
What light you vegging with ?

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I use CFL for veg and then move onto HID’s


Who’s blue cheese is it? I am harvesting two blue cheese this week. Really excited. It the bottom one.


Barneys Farm :heart_eyes:


OK…1 on the go and growing strongly so far. I’ll take a pic and post it later. :v:

I know this is a old post but anyone have
any blue cheese they’d be willing to trade?


I know this is a old post but did you find any?? :grinning: that’s the next strain to check off my bucket list.