Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

I’m thinking the same. This pheno def isn’t A1 clone. That clone version is RANK! And this isn’t the chocolate one either. The one I have is very light smelling. Def has a floral type smell. I don’t wanna say incense but I could see how it could be called that.

I’ve also only grown out the one female, so it could just be a kashmir leaner.

But I also feel like if he specifically mentioned 3 A1 crosses, and one hasn’t been finished yet, and one is well known (dla5), then process of elimination……I have incense. Still wouldn’t 100% guarantee it is since we don’t know for sure


That’s fair, and come to think of it I think the A1/Kashmir packs were marked LE. I was probably too literal about “unreleased”


First time I saw A1xKA on Dagga they had like 3 packs. Was gone for a while, then they got like 10 packs. Once those sold out, I haven’t seen them since


Any Super Silver Hashplant or Red Eye Jedi available for trade in here?


All this talk of A1/K, figure I’ll rehash some of the tester findings I put up on RIU from a couple years ago.

I got basically one hamburger smelling one, one chemy smelling, one formaldehyde and antiseptic nasty, and one rental car, carpet shampoo smelling. All kind of turned into a semi-meaty, dry raddish, antiseptic, 3 day old mouthwash and stale love making kind of smell with age.

The formaldehyde one was the weakest in terms of effect, but I’d pay $500 to get that expression again… it was so invasive smelling, it was really great for those who enjoy that kind of thing. A suffocating odor when drying.

The shampoo, rental car one was very strong, and had the wildest buds… some looked like weird, hulked out spiderlilles or something. I took a cut, looked like it wasn’t going to make it, pulled through and flourished for a while, but now it looks like it’s gone for good.

Burger (only pic still on my phone, sorry)




Warm, clean, dry, soapy


Fucking aphids showed up toward the end, but nothing that couldn’t be easily brushed off.

B very generously sent me a bunch of his A1(2)/Kashmir f2s right after I sent him the report… something that I still need to get to… and said they were in the back of his fridge. That made me realize that he’s probably already tested most of the testers himself, and that he really just does the tester thing to involve growers in the process… which is a very nice thing to do.


Thanks a bunch for putting this out there. You should put this same post in the Bodhi plant thread. Wild that there’s that much variation in the seeds you ran.

Would LOVE to see what you pull out of those F2s when you get to them.


Thanks! Yeah, I don’t know what to do with the f2s… I’d like to f3 them or cross them to something complimentary and give them out here, but I don’t know if Bodhi would approve… they seem too nice to not do something with, but I don’t know… :man_shrugging: Something good will happen eventually…


That’s my motto :+1:


Yeah. I always start decreasing lights-on once I’m getting ready to flip, from 16/8 veg schedule to 15/9 for a week, 14/10 and then 11.5/12.5. Or something like that haha. After about a month of 11.5/12.5, I decrease five minutes every week. Or whenever I remember to do that haha.

Just trying to mimic Mother Nature, kind of.

Edit: those plants got stuck on a 14/10 schedule for longer than I was planning on and started “auto flowering” or whatever, before I officially flipped. It’s something I’ve kinda stumbled upon, although not by choice haha. If I had my druthers, everything would be grown on the “normal lighting” schedule.


Yup. He has an inner circle that helps him test.
Then theres the forum community who he graciously includes in on his process so they can have fun and feel included. Brilliant marketing, too.
Bodhi is one of the few people who has testers that actually do test runs for him on the forums.


I’ll offer up some bodhi strains for trade- looking for some Tony green gear mainly- Italian Beef, sowah grapefruit or other sowah crosses. Open to other gear suggestions but gonna be a little picky bc I really don’t need any more seeds for awhile.

I’ve got an unopened pack of golden hashplant and love triangle up for trade.

Got a handful of freebies too I’m willing to let go. Purple triangle, terpenado, devils hashplant- when I get home tonight I’ll double check what else.

Then there are spirit train f2s that I made that I still have a bunch of and space monkey f2s another member hooked me up with. Willing to throw in freebies or f2s to sweeten the deal, lmk if there’s interest in any of these.


Just finished one of these. I love the smell and taste. It’s like a sweet-bread. Will run again…. Soon…


Highly recommended! I’m still keeping a cut so I can grow it again.


Awe dang!! Good work @BarefootAndBlazed!!!


Looks like you did a great job w that one! What kinda smells you get and how long they taking to finish?


I’ll check my notes when I’m home this evening. She had those huge spears and iirc a doughy vanilla aroma. Definitely a sativa leaner in effects from the Trainwreck.


What is it with GLG and typos?
On the recent bodhi restock I saw
“angle wing afghani” “strawberry mikk” “wifi 434” and “secret chef”

although secret chef is actually a pretty dope name.


He must be dipping into his stock


Interesting. I had sour, not sour diesel like sour like a pickle. And kinda fizzy lemon/lime.


Don’t forget Deep Line Academy