Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

No need to apologize to me dude lol Apologize to yourself :stuck_out_tongue:
My experience with F2ing the Wolfpack just showed me that the majority of people actually just want seeds to add to their collection , not to grow.
It is why I will never sacrifice a sinsemilla cycle for seeds to give away every again. I might to make seeds for myself and folks I know personally. But never again to give away to people online , for them just to be kept in a fridge.


Oh yeah, dude, I get that. I already know that if I make seeds, the people that I want to have them will get a DM from me; Iā€™m not gonna do a wiki signup thing or whatever.

Does that make me a bad OG member??? Hahaā€¦

I only brought it up because I was saying that I wanted to plant some of those Wolfpack f2ā€™s asap, but not now. I need a LOT more NLD-type shit growing, been looking at my list trying to figure out what exactly Iā€™m gonna start soaking in the next day or two.


I was not specifically referring to you at all , just as an FYI .
You should know me well enough that if I was, I would of said so.
Was just making a general statement about how I feel about the whole thing.

Anyway I will be sure to post my Bodhi plants in the other thread from now on .


Haha, yeah, dude! I donā€™t take anything you say personally. Weā€™re just talking.


Thereā€™s so much we can learn from scent scientists working in a whole range of fields, we usually look to perfume and other fragrance industries but hereā€™s something to use as we describe weed odors from some biologists studying human body odor, this is a great article but basically they are super related and we all smell like grapefruit and onion, both men and women. Back when I was an artisan bread baker I had a couple interesting conversations with people in Philadelphia who worked at the Monell Sense Research Center about the volatile odors of bread as it bakes and cools, along with ripening fruit and other food subjects, they study this stuff and are wildly knowledgeable nowadays about why things remind us of other things, thatā€™s the magic of the fragrance industry and processed foods.

Letā€™s use ā€œboar taintā€ more often as a descriptor

ā€œ An ā€œaroma wheelā€ is a popular visual scheme for diagramming the range of smells that characterize a particular food or beverage. A well-known example is the wine aroma wheel, developed in 1984 by University of California-Davis chemist Ann Noble. It is laid out like a dartboard, with broad flavor categories (e.g., ā€œfruityā€) near the center and specific examples of that category (e.g., ā€œstrawberryā€) on the outer ring. Connoisseurs have built aroma wheels for beer, coffee, brandy, cheese, chocolate, roast beef, and even sewageā€”but perhaps never for body odor.

Until now. At the center of the B.O. universe sits its dominant aromaā€”pure locker-room sweat. From there, the tree branches by gender, reflecting the differences between male and female armpits. Male armpits have more apocrine sweat glands and contain more microbes from the genus Corynebacterium, which manufacture some of the strongest odors. Men also perspire five times as much as women, and their sweat is more sugary.

In January, a Swiss fragrance firm concluded after years of study that female perspiration smells like grapefruit, passion fruit, and onion, while male sweat smells more cheesy, rancid, and animalic. Several years earlier, the same firm had analyzedmale sweat and detected these flavor notes: chicken broth, butter, vinegar, onion, and grapefruit. The presence of grapefruit and onionā€”the scent of a womanā€”in male sweat gives the lie to the notion that menā€™s B.O. is from Mars while womenā€™s is from Venus. For this reason, the B.O. wheel expresses gender differences on a gradient.


Diet also affects body odor. A 2007 study by the Monell Center showed that volatiles derived from turmeric, mint, and garlic can appear in sweat. Other foods whose by-products may be released in B.O. include onion, chili, vinegar, blue cheese, cabbage, radish, fermented milk products, and fish. These foods are condensed into groups on the B.O. wheel.

Other wheel descriptors include ā€œgoatyā€ (named for a gamey secretion of horny male goats) and ā€œboar taintā€ (the steroid androstenone, also present in boar saliva). These are well-known odorous compounds in armpit sweat. Telephone and e-mail interviews with body- odor and fragrance expertsyielded more flavors: wet dog, spicy-cumin, alcohol, and gasoline. To build the B.O. wheel, similar flavors were grouped in accord with existing aroma wheels. The B.O. wheel does not claim to describe all extant body odors.ā€

There are odor wheels for almost every industry now if you keep digging around, theyā€™re pretty awesome infographics to use, here is another one about composting odors, so when we say ā€œforest floorā€ or ā€œwet earthā€ odors we could be saying:

That info comes from a really fascinating CalRecycle study they commissioned named ā€œComprehensive Compost Odor Control Projectā€

44207001.pdf (1.7 MB)


As a former Sommelier (level 2) and Cicerone, this stuff is fascinating to me. Also of note: if I donā€™t bathe for a couple days, I smell distinctly of maple syrup!


Iā€™m jealous. Though you might want to get checked for diabetes. Iā€™m being overly cautious when i say that.


Thereā€™s actually a disorder called maple urine disease or something, but I donā€™t have it.
Iā€™m healthy as a horse based on my most recent physical! Thank you though, my guy.


This is why Iā€™ll not ask for ā€˜freeā€™ seeds. I have seeds, more than I can growā€¦and a bunch In line ahead of any ā€˜newā€™ seeds. It would be rude to accept your hard work and just hide it away, IMHO.


Yes. Yes it does.


Ah, the age old topicsā€¦ one Bodhi discussion thread vs the other Bodhi discussion thread, and seed collecting/hoarding vs holding on to seeds to be grown at a future date.

Iā€™d say it never gets old, but Iā€™d be lying.


100 percent does when I was at my heaviest and eating all sorts of junk I use to reekeven after a short time when I cleaned up my diet and lost a bunch of weight my body odor completely changed

To keep on bodhi related

all 7 pagoda above ground and rocking :call_me_hand:


Dammit. All this talk about pU f3 got me to start browsing again. Now Iā€™m sitting here with Purple Goji & Purple Soul in my cartā€¦ struggling to not sneak in a quick order before xmas.

The straw that broke the candles back was older posts about the big J x jopa mom


Donā€™t forget the uniqueness of this one.

Genetics: (bushman aka ciskei x purple unicorn f3) (massive purple African sativa vibes)


i didnt put up much of a fight - direct result of this thread activity day before yesterday lol.

also, this purchase was the one that finally made me invest in some solid seed storage tech.


Yeah, I think I got one of the last packs in early 2021, it dropped at GLG in limited numbers in September 2020. IDK how many packs limited means in this case but it seems like there were maybe 50-100 total. I need to find some F2s of the DLA that uses the Fat Cherry, along with Bing and a few others, hopefully I can OP these and have tradebait for the Bodhi lovers


Thatā€™s DLA #10. Iā€™m sitting on a pack or two of the F1ā€™s and plan to get around to those before too long.


Awesome dude I will keep an eye on the Holy Garden maybe 2024 is the year of the Cherry, I know @santero is in the middle of a big cherry project maybe we can all get the Bodhi cherries going and mix them all up

This one killed me along with the Purple Jack, not having cash for them but I put my faith in all the other seed junkies here


Yeah weā€™ll seeā€¦ Iā€™m gonna work through the packs minitiger and jamescoldflame sent over first as iā€™ve been shamefully sitting on them for a couple years now :see_no_evil: and then i wanted to pop the last of my ssdd f2ā€™s before going through all the black river og beans. Might be 2025 as the year of the Cherry :joy: But definitely have the DLA10 (Fat Cherry x 88G13HP), Cherry Queen (Fat Cherry x OMG), and Fat Strawberry (Fat Cherry x Strawberry Milk) that I wanna pop in short order. Possibly together, weā€™ll see. That Fat Cherry has always had my :eyes: from the first day I saw her.


the DLA#10 is part of the future line up over here too :wink:

the cherry queen might also show.
(@GCC.Bud may be of help here)

the fat cherry is indeed of interest, very nice that we bump
into the same kinda stuff at about the same time, bro :slight_smile: