Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Appalachian Super Skunk at 49 days under 11/13. For headstash, super low effort grow. No teas. Kept the lights too high and on bloom only setting to keep temps down. A friend wants to run this cut 10 weeks but I usually chop at 56 days. Running 7 ASS plants in this tent now and will harvest some at 8 weeks and some at 10 weeks to see if there’s any difference. I’m guessing no. The leaves on this plant certainly yellow up faster than other plants I have run. I also believe it’s an Appalachian trait.
Looks really ugly going past 8 weeks. I’ll try to get some pics of the leaves vs the bshw in the same tent/soil.


Probably very similar to Wolf Pack.


Hashplant D smoke report:


Sorry for the gawd-awful “dried flower pics,” but that was the best I could do.

Smell: Unbroken flowers actually smell very coffee-ish and like the flavor of chocolate-covered cherries. Keep in mind, though, that this has been in jars for like three months now. When I did the “final seal” after burping the jars for a few days, she smelled pretty garbage-y/dumpster-ish/vile.

Broken nugs are all garlic/armipt/dirty trashcan, though, and nothing at all like the unbroken flowers smell. The garlic/armpit is VERY reminiscent of the Clusterfunk that I grew. Nobody but a weed smoker would find the way this one smells appealing, I don’t think (unless they were some sorta pervert freak haha). And maybe even some weed smokers would find it pretty unappealing. I like it, though.

Flavor: pretty hashy, with weird undertones of nuttiness, like maybe a walnut or a chestnut or something. I eat almonds all the time and it’s not like that. Definitely more of a “nut that I don’t like” flavor. It’s not bad, though haha.

High: This one is, to me, just a classic Chem high, with that “down then up” stone, although I don’t necessarily feel the need to sit down for thirty minutes after smoking the Hashplant D like I have with a lot of Chems/Chem hybrids. I do feel like I’m moving underwater for the first 45 minutes or so, but it’s still relatively functional. The first few times I blazed her, I had to think to myself,“Am I moving as slowly as it feels like I’m moving or do I just feel like I’m moving super-slow?” Turns out I just feel like I’m moving slow. Everything feels kind of “choppy.” Not heavy, but more of a,“Wahwahwahwahwah…” feeling, like those sounds when the The Six Million Dollar Man does something amazing, these ones:

After about 45 minutes, it becomes a very different high, almost like a switch was flipped or something. You know how in movies where, like, a bomb goes off or something explodes and they do the sound in a character’s head, where everything’s muffled and the character can’t hear anything and it sounds all “muddy” and then that high-pitched ringing happens and then everything is clear and loud and chaotic again? That’s how this one smokes haha. It’s like the first 45 minutes are all “muffled bass” and then the next hour is all “tin-y treble.”

It’s an interesting high, for sure. I dunno why I’m bringing up the Six Million Dollar Man and bombs exploding in movies and shit, but maybe it’s a very “cinematic” high? Haha.

She’s an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle haha. Good weed, though, for sure. I guess I could say that she’s an “anytime”-type of weed, but she isn’t “anytime weed” the way other things I’ve blazed (and am currently blazing haha) are. I’ll probably just stick with her for my bedtime stuff, but I do think she’s fine for daytime, too. Just maybe not “daytime” stuff for me.

I dunno haha…


Interesting take on the PU crosses. Have a cherry unicorn that leans to the mom im guessing thats kinda potent and i guess you could consider the buzz dark. To me its just lights out and trying to fight the blanket of brain dead it imparts aint fun . Not something i reach for if theres stuff to do


Those are some bold cabinets.


Kali Mist/ Western Winds is 90’s renamed selection Nevil’s C5 x A5 or C5xC5 that tends to lean a little more hybrid to 5 side. This is a whirlwind on its own let alone going with everything . A lot of variety!


They are really sturdy vigorous seedlings relative to everything else.


Thanks. I like them, too. That kitchen is like half of the reason why we bought the house; the pool was the other half haha…


The armpit smell (I call it body odor or BO) is one of the best smells in cannabis imo. And you’re right, non-smokers think you’re crazy saying that. And even average smokers cringe at the thought. I know coffee is supposed to be one of the more sought after smells, but every time I’ve encountered weed with the BO smell, it’s been some grade A top shelf ganja.

Only strain I have grown that has it is the BSHW. But it’s more of sweet BO smell, like there’s a little anti-perspirant left there trying to do the job but just can’t overtake the force.


Dream Beaver smelled exactly like funky arm pits for a couple weeks and then it changed to ripe pineapple/mango smells. I’m guessing it comes from the Dirty Hippie but there’s a lot of funk in the Appalachia also.


idk man… You need to grow this Skunk Tangerine and get back to us on that because while I know what you mean, that plant 100% literally tastes like a sweaty BO armpit… oh and some icy oranges on the end. It’s not that BO smell on the flowers that comes out tasting sweet and good. I know of that one. This one isn’t that :joy:


It is? Why?

Haha, uhhhh, I dunno about that, but I know what you mean. I don’t find it off-putting just because it’s been my experience that the gnarlier something smells, the better it tastes. Usually. Hopefully! Haha. That Clusterfunk I grew is actually a better example of that “smells really gross but tastes very good” thing than the Hashplant D, but I think that’s probably because I had issues with super-low humidity levels during and after the grow. Low humidity is a constant issue here, it’s annoying. The Clusterfunk did smell gnarlier and taste way better than the Hashplant D does, though.

Yeah, that’s no good haha…


Just wondering if someone can explain what the difference is between this thread and the Bodhi Plant Guide thread?
Just trying to figure out where I should be posting what and am a little confused.


Good to see you posting back over here!

This thread is for general Bodhi discussion, whatever that really means… people posting seed packs, bodhi’s posts from other forums, info on auctions, I’m not even really sure anymore… The other thread, Bodhi Plant Guide is more for grow reports, smoke reports, plant pics… at least that’s what the goal was, to keep some of the general chatter out of the Plant Guide so it was easier to search and digest.

I like the other thread better…



I did it pals, I know a few others got some packs earlier this year as well. I love Sativas so I look forward to popping these soon (Hopefully in a greenhouse).



Good to see you still around :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply. It matches up with what my take on it was.


I ran NWHP x Doc Ds Dragon Energy. Got a good idea of how to run NWHP now.

They will stretch through your ceiling. Veg them well to get a good root system established and then chop down to a couple nodes before flip, that’s how I kept them manageable. Definitely detected watermelon notes on the resin, lots of cedar hazy notes too. But the standout notes are watermelon rind and cucumber.


It’s interesting how closely these are actually related.
If you let a mango get over ripe, it’s pure foot funk!


Yup this one lol


You should be posting on the other thread. That one is for people who actually grow weed and this one is just for people talking about seeds they bought or wanna buy or whatever.

Anyway, do y’all know what the odds of planting 17 seeds and ending up with nothing but males are? Assuming that every seed has a 50/50 chance of turning out either male or female, of course. The odds are .029%, unless I did my math incorrectly.

I only bring this up because the last Zap I was growing showed male today, so he’s gone. That makes me 0-fer on the ten Zaps I’ve planted and 1-for-eight on the Soars I’ve planted so far.

Here’s the last Zap that was removed from the tent just now:

Cool-looking plant, for sure.

And sorry, @anon60559124, but I’m not gonna plant any of those Wolfpack f2’s right now. That Zap plant was my last, best hope haha, so I’m gonna have to sprout some other sort of “exotic Sativa” thing. I kiiiiind of wanna plant the remaining two seeds from the first pack of Zaps that I have, but at this point I’m really kind of giving up on those. For the time being, anyway.