Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Love Wookie in just about anything.


Your post was certainly Bodhi-related (Wookie) and much more interesting than most of the “I grew it half-assed and suck at describing smell and effects, sorry” posts that litter this thread. Thanks for the contribution.


You rang?

Welcome to your second post in this thread.


I pretty much agree with cancelling this guy bc every time I read his posts I lose my high.


You can set it so you don’t see individual user’s posts. You wouldn’t be the first person to take offense at Minitiger’s riper posts.

Water off a duck’s back for me… you take the good you take the less good (dude grows a lot of Bodhi gear and many of his posts are informative IMO).


Mini is fine I like what he has to contribute. Stoneguru is who I’m referring to. His mumbo jumbo is a tad too much.


Ah, gotcha… obviously missed whose posts you weren’t appreciating.

I was super-baked when I looked at the other guy’s posts… “Words, words, words” didn’t seem to be going anywhere interesting so I stopped reading.


Good thing you didn’t lose your high!

Here’s an old pic of Black Triangle to get us back on topic from wordiness.


I have 3 Umeboshi just 4 days in the 12/12 tent. All seem quite squat so far. All have very wide leaves that are a longish oval, long for being this wide. Should be a “Killer” cross.
Love the Wookie.

Related: 3/4 Sun Ra F2s are up in Red Solos. Sun Ra seems to spit out an extremely pleasing pheno now and then.

Related: 5 Soulmate x Cherry Queen at 45 days with average size plants, extremely stout frames. Trykes are fucking nuts! Many of the buds look white. A couple phenos, one more compact with rounded buds and the other more sprawling with Swisher Sweet shape buds. They smell like an outdoor grow on a hot and humid August night. Getting stinkier by the day.


This is also happening a lil in my DLA16’s



Some of us are terrible at describing smells and would rather admit it than contribute something completely fabricated.

On that note here’s some Redeye Jedi & Spirit Hashplant. This Redeye Jedi smells 23% stronger than my last one so it’s also a tetraploid. Both are showing the recessive Korean traits that anyone over the age of 75 here will surely recognize.


God I need a good macro lens! Your pics are epic! EVERYTIME


@syzygy :joy:

Beautiful pics though btw


Exactly why I recommended posting that sort of info in a different thread. It’s informative to some, but many of us gloss over stuff like that, especially when it’s only tangentially related to Bodhi. Dude might be a nube here, but if he’s been growing Bodhi genetics as long as he implied there’s no way he hasn’t been on forums before. And old forums would rip you apart and possibly ban you if you repeatedly went off topic.

Keeping this fully Bodhi related, Kinky Temple (C99 (ray davies) x Temple) seeds have been pulled from the seed fridge and will be Christmas seed pops.


That’s funny and pretty much my exact experience, too haha.

Anyway, here are the three Triple Goddesses I ended up with from five seeds planted. The pics are from flower day nine, but they’re at 14 days today:

They’re pretty weird plants, not stretching at all. They seem to wanna grow out and not up, which I wasn’t expecting. Even though those pics are from day nine of flower, they still haven’t gotten much taller (if they’ve gotten any taller at all) in the five days since I took them. It could have something to do with the fact that I decrease lights-on leading into flower, from 16/8 in veg to 15/8 for a week and 14/10 for five days before switching to 11.5/12.5, I’m not sure. But yeah, I definitely expected them to grow, uh… Differently.

Oh my gawd, syzygy, I love you. I love you sooooo much haha…


Dude… YES. Haha. That one has always sounded awesome. I’m stoked for you.


Dang skippy! Pohang region of SK. Never would have noticed that when I was 74 :slight_smile:


Just wondering if anyone knows if having a creeper effect is something the Gash is known for ?


I havent found that in my limited experience - ghash seems to raise thc percentage and hits hard. I have found creeper effects in OMG male crosses tho! Really like madre azuls effect.


I wanna say the ghash crosses seemed to have a lot of Up then Down effects but I haven’t grown any of them yet myself. That’s just from reading smoke reports. Speaking of, this is a good question for @minitiger