Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

One plant of Time Bandit did and one did not have the creeper. Afghan dom. strains seem to “creep” more than sativas imho.
@HolyAngel is right in that the head high first lifts me up. Then 10 minutes later the body high sits me back down.


I wouldn’t say “creeper” so much as I’d say “rising,” but I think it depends on what the GHash male was crossed with, too. I only say that because that one Hashplant D I grew (and probably some others that I’m forgetting right now) is pretty much the opposite, actually, where it’s more of a “down then up” sorta high, whereas a lot of the other 88G hybrids I’ve smoked are the other way around. Maybe that could be considered a “creeper” high, but it’s not what I think of when I think of creeper weed.

But yeah, maybe “creeper” might be accurate haha, I dunno. I guess it depends on your definition of “creeper.” Most of the GHash stuff I’ve grown definitely takes a little bit to fully feel, but I think that’s true of most cannabis. Or most of the cannabis that I’ve grown, anyway haha.

Edit: also, I just realized you’re fucking with us haha.


This is a perfect description of some of my experience with the 88g13hp crosses or at least some of the plants I found so far. Most notably in the Goji x 88g13hp and the irene x 88g13hp (grandmas hashplant). It’s like a welling up or rising feeling as you get further into the doobie.


yeah rising is perfect, I was going to say that a lot of 88g13hp hybrid plants have a high that starts off gentle and seems to build up to a crescendo.


totally agree with that too


Oh, I meant, like, it takes twenty minutes or so after blazing however much you blazed to feel the effects haha, definitely didn’t mean AS I was smoking.

I haven’t grown those yet, not interested in the Irene cross, although I do have some Goji/88G cross. The Pinesoul one, I think?

But yeah, in general I think most weed takes a little bit to fully feel. That’s the kind of weed I like, anyway, can’t stand the shit that floors you immediately. It’s for sure something I’ve come to expect from the GHash crosses. Most of the ones I’ve grown always end up perfect for getting ready for bed: do a few bong rips, get in the shower, get lost in your thoughts for a while and realize you’re high as shit, take your time moisturizing and grooming haha and by the time you finally get in bed, it’s an episode or two of The Office or Curb and then sleep really well.


And then levels off. Not a “crash,” it just gets more “comfortable.”

I really like the GHash hybrids, I dunno what everybody was complaining about a while back haha.


@CocoaCoir that is an excellent example of DLA and shared NL marker I was referring to…then observing a population for what recessive traits it locks onto. A very fitting name too! @syzygy those Korean traits are shining and already had me looking up the pedigree and wondering what % of the population had these trait to this extent?

On everything else from above. I reviewed my posts relative to the thread and they were out o place. Generally content causes contention relative to a picture feed with captions so I deleted and trimmed it down. Also, it’s clear that many here are intrigued by the plant and genetics at a more involved level. It would be great to jump into a feed with like minded to learn and share on a more indepth study.

I used the line material I had on hand as an example of line breeding back to ancestral traits, but overall any of Bodhi’s work is a wonderful opportunity to observe these dynamics because the selections are almost all known cuts and succession of the same male. I can’t think of another breeder with a better experiential primer into the dynamics themselves .

At a more involved level there is the opportunity to unravel mysteries about the origins of the no name bagseed and so much more.

In any event. More pictures and less content is a better fit for this thread, but definitely open to suggestions on which threads would be a better fit :pray::v:

Little box of wook’s:


Please make your own thread, my dude. @StoneGuru You’re very difficult to understand and would be better received speaking your mind there. This is also not necessarily a place to speak on breeding. Strains, seeds and the like, I’d say absolutely. What’s your education in?

I’ve got 2 Jager hashplant going into flower 2/3 and 2 eternal sunshine going into flower 1/10 or so. Small group but it’s what I have to contribute. So expect some finished shots in the coming months.
@minitiger and @SHSC-1 I appreciate it the ghash rundown… have a goji ghash cross on the way and am a little ignorant to them as I’ve tended towards taller plants and haven’t given the ghash nearly as much love as is deserved


I thought the other thread is for documenting that stuff. I don’t think it would be as irregular there. Also a thread called “Genetic Markers Generic Discussion” would probably attract people, as they get into that kind of detail.

I’ve been deleting my off topic stuff from furthest back in date just because it serves no purpose for the thread as a source of info, so this post will be composted before long as well lol.


I think of that as a great “soaring” effect. Always seek this out because it really adds a nice uplfting dimension to a high.

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Great suggestion, I appreciate it. I’ll scroll back and clean it up here. This whole interaction has been unnecessarily distracting and off topic, but also some amazing individuals I look forward to getting to know better. Merry Christmas everyone :pray::v:


Man that color is mesmerizing :exploding_head:!!


Oh, that’s cool. I’ve blazed the straight Jager before, had a jar of outdoor-grown years ago, and really liked it. It definitely lived up to its namesake (the smell/flavor, not the effect haha). I’d imagine that that combined with the GHash would probably result in some pretty interestingly-tasty weed.

I like taller/stretchier plants, too, but some of the GHash crosses might stretch on you a little bit. Or they’ll get more “gap-y,” anyway. The Time Bandits were like that for sure.

Don’t sleep on the ones that don’t get “gap-y,” though. Just because they behave like an “Indica,” that doesn’t mean they’ll smoke like one.


I find the soaring to be weed that makes me feel like i have no body and am just a floating head hehehe whereas for me the uprising or welling up effect comes from the body up to the head and it felt in the body’s center rather than the head at first. I dunno we all perceive and describe things in different ways but we all get what each other means… because we like to get high hehehe :wink:


By " creeper " I was referring to what I know as " creeper "
Smoke it and it leaves you thinking it was trash weed… At first . Then 15-20 min or so later you finally feel yourself getting baked.


Best stuff i’ve ever had didn’t kick in at all for 1.5 hours. (2002)


Oh, so you were being serious when you asked about that? I thought you were joking haha.

But sure, I know what you mean. That really is my favorite kind of weed. I don’t know, though, whether or not that’s something that’s specific to the GHash hybrids; seems like most weed takes a little bit to fully “hit” me. Maybe it’s just the particular ones I’ve grown, I don’t know.

Are you planning on planting some of those crosses?


Yes I was being serious . I don’t tend to ask joke questions lol

It is an effect that seemed to be much more prevalent back in the day. Matanuska TF and a Jack Herer pheno , being the two I can think of , that we knew the actual name ( or given name lol ) I seem to recall Dutchie Treats being creeper too. Along with a bunch of unknown strains.

I am asking because the second BT F2 I harvested has this effect.


And of course the term “creeper” is also used to describe the growth habits of plants…