Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

There is a @plantmoreseeds2 which is fake.

It leads to a telegram which sells a lot of prohibited items which I would not recommend at all. I even messaged the guy on IG and he pretended to be Bodhi.


I put that Red Eye Jedi in my cart sooo many times this last drop and never pulled the trigger☹️
Beautiful :heart_eyes:


Speakeasy has Gelato 41 x 88g13hp and Saints Crossing for only $40 each.


Saints Crossing, week 7



How did she smoke? Looks amazing, great job!


Those pics were taken this week :grinning:

It’s my first time growing this strain so I haven’t yet had the pleasure. I have two from seed. One is turning purple and smells of berries, the other (pictured above) shows more trichomes and smells almost minty.


So much frost.

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Im looking at some bodhi beans on attitude’s site, they have a few packs that are sold out elseware, albeit 75£ a pack :sob:
Anyone order bodhi from them? (Uk site to usa)
Seems like they usually open breeder packs, but you can request as a note to leave them be.
Not sure if they actually will…
Anyone order through them?


Anything of bodhi’s they have is years old. According to the Pot Cast episode a few years ago, he stopped sending stuff to attitude years before then.

They won’t ship the breeder packs to the USA due to needing stealth shipping to make it. They usually throw in a snip of the packaging tho so you know. I’ve ordered from them a few times just not bodhi packs. Definitely have to pay for stealth, I usually do clothing of some kind.


Thanks for the fast reply @HolyAngel
I have ordered from them, and with the “random item” stealth shipping . It arrived unscathed but everything was repacked.
Just knowing they are quite old is enough to settle my FOMO.

That Mindfullness and Lav Jack got my jimmies all rustled up.

If anyone has Genius thai genetics available please DM me :heart:

To keep this on Bodhi:
My 2/2 Air guitar are female
3/4 of my Headgasket are male
4/4 of my Dreadneck are female
Last night i started soaking some Strawberry Temple

Grow easy


FYI, They now have a US “hub” for US orders. But don’t have Bodhi seeds.

I ordered Bodhi from Attitude UK a few times back in 2011-2013. Had no problems but shipping from EU to me in the US took 3.5-4 weeks average.

Now i use only Headiegardens, GLG and JBC. Fresh seed stock and excellent service from these 3 shops.

The UK Attitude appears to have Laughing Lemon for £75 (UK Pounds).

11 Likes has some rare Bodhi sometimes. Right now they have Uzbekistani Hashplant


It’s generally considered bad form to actually show the stealth method even in 2023/2024 since importing undocumented seeds is a customs violation.

To keep Bodhi related, I’m not sure I’ve seen any grows of the Dreadneck, so looking forward to seeing what you find there.


Sorry i didnt realize. thankyou.
Post edited.

Dreadneck has alot of vigor! Strong stalk and branches.
The Dread bread and its crosses are a powerhouse from the grows ive read through.
Sofar no herm traits in the 4 seeds popped, even in my stressfull enviroment testing
6oz coco coir , 24hr lights for the first 2 months. Also extra UV light has been a fun new addition to experiment with.
when clones root ill be flowering to see how they standup.

Ive had my eye on babylon buster too.



Anyone know what any of this is ?


My guess would be Cactus seeds.


Yeah it’s cactus seeds. Bridgesii is a cactus.


It is indeed cacti :cactus:


I ordered attitudes last pack of lavender jack…like a month before glg got a drop of some lol, so of course i got a pack from each, I germinated 3 of each, so 6 total, all 6 sprouted but I the ones from eu took a day extra to crack open, they’ve pretty much caught up now tho. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a difference between batches of seeds

Edit: actually it looks like they restocked? Idk lol


I haven’t been very active here due to life shit, but here’s a preview of some shit I’ll be posting when it’s more than seedlings lol,

3x strawberry temple
3x snow monkey
6x lavender jack
6x kali mist x everything
3x pine apple
3x mothers hp
3x sshp

And 3x metal skunks (strays, but also from bodhis metal haze I believe)

Also have
1x forest queen
2x strawberry fantasy
1x booty
1x midnight cowboy
In veg about to get flipped so I’ll post those too when I get a chance

Another edit: lol, also 100% germination rate, 30 for 30! Crazy imo, also crazy I haven’t killed any… yet lol