Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

UPDATE: the fade is officially underway here, all except for the GM6 “totem pole” or “prayer tower” pheno, who seems like she’s content to just keep hanging out. The other three are starting to yellow out, I’ve been checking the bracts though and I’m still seeing green seeds around the shoulders and lowers, I’m not sure if I should expect to see all of these darken up before chopping or if I should expect a spectrum of ripeness like you’d expect with the trichs. Tentative plan is to just let these girls ride themselves into the ground, looking like the 70 day mark will be hit pretty easy. Not much to report outside of all that, just keeping things watered and checking in daily for them to tap out. Here’s some photos:


Looking Amazing!! @LegsMahoney


Thanks @sprinklememaynee ive really enjoyed this run so far. Looking forward to the smoke run to follow


UPDATE: Today is day 70 of flower, which is what some of the online resources say is when these gals should be ready to come down, however I’m not so sure personally. I’ve been keeping an eye on the seed development as well as the color of the trichs and I’m still seeing a good amount of clear trichs, as well as some green seeds. I grabbed the little macr lens for the iPhone to take some shots:

It seems to be a bit of a spectrum with GM1, GM5 and GM2 being the closest ones to being ready, albeit still showing some green seeds in the mix, GM6 or the totem pole is still just barely starting to put on a fade and showing still mostly clear in her trichs. I’m thinking overall that I’m gonna give these ladies another week and see where we’re at. This being a seed run I want to let things develop as best as they can, so I don’t mind some degraded trichs if it means more viable seed. I am starting to wonder if my lights might be playing a part in how many underdeveloped seeds I’m seeing, I don’t know that the SF1000s penetrate into the canopy enough to really fill out those buds with seed properly, I’m sure I’ll get some good seed off these things but I wonder if the numbers will suffer from what they could’ve been with a more powerful light. Time will tell I suppose.

Overall I’ve just been keeping up with watering for these girls and letting them finish out, I’ll do the same over the course of this next week and see where we’re at with the trichs/seeds this time next Sunday. Here’s some glamour shots in the meantime:

In other news I’m happy to report that so far the test subject male that I’ve been torturing has performed really well. So far he’s been stripped of all but his top most growth and has gone through a drought to the point of wilting and has not shown pistils or started to flower or done anything other than take it in stride. Today I decided to snap his main stem and then tape him back up, we’ll see how he deals with that. If he recovers I think the next test will be to put him in a small tent and induce some crazy light schedules as well as a e create some light leaks to see how he does with that. It’s been a weirdly enjoyable exercise torturing this little guy, but if he comes through all of this without doing anything weird I’ll feel confident using him again. I guess the final test will really be to grow out some of his progeny to see what they are like, not sure when that will happen as I have some other projects lined up to get into once these two cycles are done, but it’s something I want to circle back to ASAP for sure. Hope you’re all well out there. Love to everyone :v:t2::v:t2:


Hey bud… looking good over there. I’m facing the same dilemmas as you are in determining my seed ripeness. I am approaching the end of week 9, so like Day 61.

2 of my 9 plants are well into fade. A few ripe seeds here and there but mostly underdeveloped. Other plants are still showing a lot of colour and most seeds are white or green still. I’m definitely going to have to stagger the harvest, which is fine but I feel your concerns about not really knowing when they’re ready haha. We’ve come so far… would hate to mess something up now. We’re such nOObs! lol

So cool you tested your male like that… he seems like a champ! Nicely done.


How many weeks since pollination?



5 weeks since pollination


I was told to go 6 weeks, but I’ll let them go a couple weeks longer depending on the state of the plant.
I suspect that tropical sativas will need even longer though.



At least 6 weeks, but I wouldn’t chop until I saw seeds peeping out of the calyxes that look like the ones you planted… then I’d wait a little more :slight_smile:


Hey all! No photo update tonight, I was running around all day and only got into the tent this morning to check if they needed water (they didnt) and wasn’t able to get back there before lights out tonight. Again not a lot to report except more fading, we’re at day 76 or 77 at this point, and I’m still seeing some green seeds on the lowers, so I think I’m
Gonna let things continue to go, until I see some visible ripeness from those areas. The plants themselves are really starting to look done: yellowing out hard all over and dropping leaves daily. I think I’m honestly going to let them consume themselves almost entirely to hopefully get as much viable seed as I can off of each plant. Having not done this before I’m having a little trouble gauging just how much seed I’m gonna get out of this, but I’m pretty confident I should have at least a handful of something from each plant. Fingers crossed there. I’ll try to snap some pics tomorrow when I check em to give a reference to just how hard these girls are finishing out. Hope everyone’s having a good Saturday. Much love to you all :v:t2::v:t2:


Sounds like the plants are pretty close to done. If you want to be able to smoke the seed shuck, harvest them before the smaller bud leaves start to yellow. You’ll always get some green & white seeds and some aborts; such is the way of the world. A middle bud that would be about 1g dried can yield 100 seeds with the right variety. And don’t worry about the size of seeds - it’s essentially meaningless for the resulting seedlings. Each plant is different, but if you fully pollinate around day 25-30 from flip for most polyhybrids, you can easily get between 2,000 - 10,000 viable seeds off of one indoor 4ft tall bush, depending on a variety of factors.

This is why the sleazy part of the industry keeps attracting new rubes - once they realized how easy it is to make seeds, every unscrupulous Tom, Dick and Harry ran to get clones of all the latest garbage cookies crosses to mash them together, proclaiming themselves master breeders while sharpening their backstories and getting their buddies in line to make it look like they invented weed, happily taking the money of unsuspecting working class folk who fell for it because marketing (IG) sold them on the idea that pretty pictures = good weed. Oh and those people who drop thirty bogus tags on their posts are DEFINITELY to be trusted. #girlswhosmokeweed #nakedcannabis #cannacupcrew #selfdeprecatinglies

The same thing happened a few years back with “big bud” aka “critical kush” when big fluffy colas were the flavor du jour. People still brag about yielding 4lbs per light of football sized buds. Makes me appreciate the good guys and gals who test and keep prices low without any hype.

I hope for your great success!

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Always a great when you swing by @nube thanks for dropping some knowledge, or don’t have much of a baseline as to what I should expect but I’m really excited to take em down and check things out!


I am running the Good meds too ill get some pictures up soon day 51 and trichomes are still clear I just pulled LowDak out she was ready at day 49… heads up I did mix up my labels :roll_eyes: so i will post up what i presume is the Good Meds… can anyone lay a nose on these and tell me what there smelling … lololol the boss states she smells honey suckles… I smell sweet, candy, floral maybe a subtle berry… NO gas / diesel, citrus and not super sticky


The smells I’m getting off of mine are definitely super sweet citrus candy smells, the resin thus far has been really sticky almost super glue consistency after touching the buds. Phenotype has been a little variable so it might be hard to tell based on looks but post your photos when you get them and I can try to help out, if not me then @nube is the one who made these F2s and would be another great resource to help out. :v:t2:


Well… that was the best thing I’ve read in years! :laughing: As long as ppl recognize wtf is going on the better off we’ll all be!

Good advice on the seed front too.


UPDATE: we’re at day 80 here, about 10 days past what I was able to find in terms of recommended flower time and these plants are really showing it. GM1, 2, and 5 are falling apart, quite literally, haha. Every morning I’m checking them and pulling at least a fistful of leaves that have shriveled overnight. GM6 is less hurt looking, but is comparably showing a good fade for the first time in the run, I was curious and split open a bract on one of the lowers to find a fully matured seed, which was very encouraging. I think I’ve decided that these plants are coming down this weekend no matter what. The wife is heading to her parents house with the kid, so I will have the perfect opportunity to take everything down, pull all the equipment, scrub out the tent, and then reset for the flower run. I’m exhausted even typing it all out. But either way I’m still seeing some green little seeds here and ther but I think I’ve just resigned myself after speaking with other, more knowledgeable members here, that there will just be a percentage of unviable seed to contend with regardless of how long I let em go. That being the case, I’m gonna make hay while the sun shines and get all this work done when the opportunity presents itself. I’ll show off when it’s all done, in the meantime here’s how we’re looking as of yesterday morning:

Stay tuned for the janitorial show to come. Love to all of you :v:t2::v:t2::v:t2:


Looks like they’re done. :slight_smile: I think a weekend harvest is a good plan! Well done. Now comes the real work… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You’re running these for seeds, so flower ripening times have nothing to do with your objectives. You can disregard flowering time estimates completely because they’re inapplicable to your situation. Also, in general, don’t pay attention to recommendations except when planning your grows ahead of time. In practice, listen to what the plants are telling you.

Additionally, while I don’t know where that info is coming from for Good Medicine ripening times (do you have some links you could provide?), 70 days is way too long for most CBD hybrids. CBD concentrations peak at the transition when trichomes go from clear to cloudy, so most of the time these plants will have the most CBD between 7-8 weeks from flip. And, in my experience, 8wks is just about right for actual ripeness too.

Oh man, you’re in for a rude awakening. :astonished: lol Resetting your space for the next round is nothing compared to the work of drying & shucking & sorting seeds.

Speaking of, drying seeded plants is much less complex than drying stuff you plan to smoke. No matter what, the seed shuck shake isn’t going to be pleasant to smoke, so I would spend no calories on trying to slow dry your plants. Zero.

Instead, a fast dry at room temp or even slightly warmer is fine, as long as it’s below 80F. Dry them until they’re bone dry, or, as @Torontoke says, until they’re drier than a mummy fart. Dry weed is MUCH easier to shuck. Then, when you shuck it, rub the buds until the seeds fall out. Remove as many stems as possible up front. Don’t worry too much about being rough with the seeds or disturbing their tiger stripes - it’s not a big deal. Separating the seeds from the plant matter is the longest process, but I suggest turning the plant matter to dust to make it easiest, and then tilting your trim tray a bit and sifting the seeds so they roll down while the plant matter stays near the top. Or use a seed separating device.

Once the seeds are separated, let them dry another full week away from moisture and sunlight. Then they’re ready for storage, which is best in sealed airtight and watertight containers with a few dessicant packs, in your fridge’s crisper drawer (as long as it never freezes), or, for very long term storage, vacuum sealed and put in an insulated container, then put in a freezer that does not go through thaw or defrost cycles. Cold storage makes a huge positive difference in viability of seeds, which is why all doomsday seed storage banks are kept sub-zero F temps.

Hope that helps! Don’t overthink it. :slight_smile:


Hey @nube thank you for all the great advice once again! Relative to the flowering time, I pulled that info from seedfinder:

Not the most bulletproof resource but I had been using that as just a benchmark number overall, kind of trying to feel things out from there, this being my first go round with a new variety, as well as my first time making seeds I just wanted to have a number in mind but figured that it would swing one way or another on that number. You bring up great info to keep in mind though relative to maturing times, I’ll be keeping a closer eye on things for this next seedless round and will reference your post when eyeballing for the ripeness of the flower.

Thank you for reinforcing what I had assumed regarding the drying, I have the 2x2 set up with my little homemade rack and was starting to think about humidification and temps when it dawned on me that I probably just want these girls bone dry, so you’re saving me some wasted effort there. I was going to reach out generally about drying the seeds once they’re shucked too so you beat me to the punch there. I had seen some threads where folks weee putting the seeds in paper bags behind TVs and such so I had an idea that more drying would be needed after the buds were dry, so this is another good confirmation for that. I intend to keep the seeds from each plant separate so that once I identify the keepers/special plants I can isolate the F3 stock from just that mother for future work.

Really helpful stuff man, I appreciate you continually swinging in and offering guidance. Pretty excited to live to the next phase of this project!


I was told it takes 5 weeks for seeds to mature


@nube Some really great info here, thanks for posting.

@LegsMahoney I did a test/practice seed run on my outdoor plants from last season before I ran the Goji seeds I am currently running and I can attest to the “mummy fart” level of dryness. I left those test plants hanging for about 3 weeks in a 35% RH room and was able to just run my forefinger and thumb down the stalks to remove all the material. I then rubbed all the plant material with my hands and basically turned it to dust. The seeds rolled right out pretty much… It was beautiful. I even used my ez seed sprouter as a sieve and was able to shake out any remaining material from the seed lot. It worked out really well and I was able to process to medium plants in about 30-40 mins.

I would say this is wildly dependant on many factors such as genetics, grow room temp, overall environment and DLI just to name a few.