Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

@bassman5420 no sweat dude, just happy to have you swinging by to say whats up, you comment on whatever post you like no matter how old! sorry to hear about your gnat problem. check out the T-Drops product, or any other tanlin drop (i think theres more than one) so far its made the difference for me. as @anon85454369 posted earlier as well, nematodes can be helpful, just havent tried em myself.

@7ANJA7OD thank you for this! ill have to look into that article when i have a little more time, but i do pray that im just seeing harmless pests and not the big nasties that everyone fears.


Fun fact Tanlin used to be called Nilnat (backwards)


that is a fun fact!



All out of likes for today :laughing:


heres a question to pose to the group here: this being the first time im running something for seed, should i be trying to monitor the actual seeds development to determine ripeness? im realizing now that im not really sure if the seeds should be brown at the time of harvest or if that develops after the fact, and in terms of drying, should these go farther/longer than i would typically for smoke? anyone willing to share their process for determining the ripeness of seeded plants and best practices for drying would be greatly appreciated. im gonna start searching around for the info in the meantime. :v:


shortest time ive ever personally seen to harvest viable seed was 38 days from pollination. you can always bust a single pod open and check on their progress


Hey man, looking pretty good in there. Here’s a few tidbits to help. :slight_smile:

Since you’re doing a seed run, wait to harvest until the seeds are all brown and mottled. And then wait an extra week after that just to be sure - longer never hurts seeds.

Also, as a general rule, don’t spray IPM after the first two weeks from flip just because you see a bug. It’ll really kill the quality of the smoke, despite the IPM manufacturers claims that it’s safe to spray up to the date of harvest. Maybe so, maybe no, but the resulting smoke won’t be NEARLY as good as if you didn’t spray. Instead, apply a couple doses of LITFA until you see bug colonies starting to form. In organic grows, you’re going to get some bugs and you gotta make your peace with it. :peace_symbol:

About the phenos, I think all the plants look good for day 53F in small pots. What made you think this is a 70 day variety? I don’t recall saying that!

About GM6, I don’t see clawing you mentioned, at least not the type I would attribute to nute sensitivity - it honestly looks pretty great imho, if maybe a litte overwatered or something. And some plants just have downturned leaves no matter what you do. Don’t sweat it. :slight_smile: The smells of all your phenos sound right on par with what I’d expect. The purpling is something I saw a tiny bit of in one pheno of the moms to your F2, the only one I’ve actually culled so far (pheno #5) because I didn’t love the smoke, but it could be more common in the F2.

Also, keep in mind that you’ll want to wait to judge the plants until their clones are run seedless and cured/smoked after a healthy sensi run. Seeded plants perform MUCH differently than seedless plants, so much so that sometimes the seedless run is unrecognizable. So just keep that in mind. :slight_smile:

I think the final thing I’d say is don’t sweat the small stuff. Take it easy, let the plants do what they’re going to do, make sure to keep up on the maintenance and don’t worry when you get new data or see unexpected things. :slight_smile:

Taker easy!


:sun_with_face: :rainbow_flag:


Cant wait to pop some of my own that are sitting here. Sounds like the smell/taste may be there, to use in for my CBD:THC breeding projects. Still need to think long and hard on how I am going to go about starting the project off.

Loving how they are turning out though :+1:


Hey @nube thanks for swinging in and sharing. As far as the 70 days of flower are concerned I pulled that from one of the descriptions of the variety, can’t remember if it was seedfinder or elsewhere but, I’m using that as more of an estimation than anything. To your point I’ve got clones ready to run seedless for smoke as soon as these ladies are down so that I can make determinations on what phenos I want to keep around to potentially line breed with, or just to have in clone form. At the very least I think I’ll keep what I like, pop some of the F3 from that mother and see about a male that matches up to make a more directional F4 (or back cross) generation. Your point about taking it easy and not sweating small stuff is well received too, I feel like I’m at least panicking less when unexpected things crop up, if not still reacting swiftly, and perhaps, a little over zealously. All part of the journey I expect. Really appreciate you taking the time to pop by and share insight!

@BigMike55 obviously @nube would know better on this but if the flavor matches the smells these are going to be really nice tasting, would say they’re definitely worth a look from where I stand now. I’ll be able to speak with more authority when the clone run is done.


alright, so i’ve got an extra copy of my male (GM4) that i don’t need, but im thinking that instead of just chucking him, maybe id use to to do some stress testing. i was thinking maybe chop it down to a single branch, or just really neglect the shit out of, just to get an idea for what it does under extreme circumstances, curious what the group thinks/recommends


Got 3 above ground for my gut med run.


thats awesome @Brokehoe !! feel free to post some glamour shots in here if you’d like to. i hope they grow smooth and fast for you!


Do it.
Put him in the corner. The timeout corner
Are you revegging any


no reveg since ive got two copies of each of the 4 females and the one male used, so one of each of the females will go into flower for the seedless run, and then one will be held as mom stock, including one copy of the male. hoping to prove out the male by growing the F3s, as well as create an open population of the F2 stock using GM4 and any other males i can find from the original seeds.


Alright, I’ve decided. We’re gonna torture him to see what he’s made of. First up, the big strip.


And After:

Never done this before but as I understand from other more experienced breeders it’s a good practice to see what your males have in them. Who knows maybe we’ll find that #4 has got ice water in his veins. Should be fun to devise some tests for him though. May the herb gods forgive me for what I do to this little guy.


I torture extra plants as well… You can learn from them.



That’s all the encouragement I need!


UPDATE: day 59 of flower, nothing really earth shattering to report, everything is just rolling along at this point. The girls have gotten two drinks of just plain water and I’m gonna ride things out like that till the end, hopefully in the next 10 or so days. Been checking trichs and seeing a good amount of amber in the sugar leaves but less in the bracts themselves. I also snipped a bract off GM6 a couple days ago to check on the seed development since GM6 and GM2 seem to have the least visible seed development. The other two you can tell by looking there are seed busting out and darkening up. The bract sample came from the lowers of the plant and showed a fully green seed with an embryo, so not ready, but GM5 and GM1 seem like they’ll be ready to go sooner. Somewhat stumped on harvest timing being that this is my first seed run, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out, just gonna keep checking things out till they feel right I suppose. Here’s some shots of the group:

I went and up potted a couple clones today, and realized that I only have one copy of GM2 currently. I’ll need to take another cutting of her in order to have one to hold in veg and one to flower out seedless, I’m hoping getting new shoes on encourages her to push out some new growth fast so I can get a good clone from her sooner than later. Regardless though, she’ll be behind her sisters in size when it comes to the sensi run, not really a big deal but a bit of a misstep on my part. The other clones got cut back hard to bridge the gap between harvest of the seeded run and thier flowering run, it’s an interesting dance in logistics getting everything to where it needs to be, fun learning experience too. The gimp clone of GM2 has shown no issues since getting like 90% of his growth chopped. Next up is a drought and placing him directly in front of the fan to see how he handles it.

I think that’s it! Love to you all! :v:t2::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Nice group shot there in that fourth pic. I like how the one furthest to the left is just like,”Bablow! Big-ass cola and nothing else!” haha. I forget, do you move the plants around in the tent or you just keep them where they are the whole time?

Were you kinda “feeding” them every watering before? I don’t remember you mentioning that.

That’s how I’ve always done it. I’ve got a loupe that’s proven to be pretty worthless over the years. All of the trichomes just look silver to me whenever I bust it out, can’t see shit. I bought a macro lens thing that iamyou suggested a while back, one of those things that attaches to your phone. It didn’t work, either, even on my girl’s brand-new iPhone. Maybe I’ll try it again. Bought a straight-up magnifying glass haha, which… But if you or anybody else knows of a really, really good “trichome-magnifier” thing that actually works, I’m all ears. I want one for the current grow cuz these plants are confusing me haha!


Yea, GM6 is just an obelisk over there! I haven’t really been moving them around but in hindsight I probably should have been so everyone gets equal attention from the lights. As far as feedings were concerned they were getting top dresses every other week per the Roots organic dry nutrient regimen and then I’d just supplement in between with whatever I felt like made sense, kelp sludge, that long brewed alfalfa extraction, cal mag, recharge, the list goes on, now that we’re doin find third in just shutting all that stuff off and hopefully having them coast into the harvest. I’m in the same boat on the loupe too, I use it a lot for cursory inspections, I also have a handheld microscope, it doesn’t work great but does give you a better idea of what’s up, I definitely don’t have the best solution but I hear good things about the USB microscopes, I’ll prolly give one of those a shot at some point in the future