Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

i can drop the link here if folks are interested


Yo Legs! That’s a tidy looking tent. I saw in Doug’s thread you were talking about your 3D printed fan mount. Did you get those mounts for the PVC box in the middle of the tent 3D printed as well? I currently have mine hanging by string and would love to know where you got them. Thanks!


those are actually a high CFM kit from gorilla tents for a 3x3. i kinda just jammed em in there, and they stay put well enough


UPDATE: we’ll sadly enough things in the flower tent are looking a little rough, and I have no one to blame but myself. Pretty sure we’re dealing with an overwatered situation, after transplant I stupidly decided to water in a full 10% volume (.5gal) in each of the pots. Stupid. That put them all back on their heels a little bit, but I then decided that I needed to hit it with a compost tea to boost the microbes in the soil, I did this pretty hot on the heels of the heavy watering and didn’t really stop to think and realize my mistake until the plants showed signs of being pretty unhappy with me. To correct this I let them dry waaaay down, which I’m sure they didn’t like as well. The end result is some pretty upset looking plants as you’ll see in the photos below. My concerns for them out sizing their pots led me to flip to flower in the midst of all of this, so what we have is a shitstorm of dumbass decisions all stacked on top of one another. I’m still kicking myself every time I open the tent, but I’m hoping this little lesson will stick for the next time around. I finally got in there today and gave them a light drink of water and will hopefully start to get back into a proper rhythm and see them pull out of their funk. Currently we’re only on day 3 of flower so I’m confident I can straighten things out before we reach the point of no return in flower. I’m sure yields will suffer, but since this is technically a pheno hunt, all I’ll really need is a good representation of the flower to figure out which plants are going to stick around for further running/breeding and which ones are going into the compost pile. I almost hesitated to share an update after my series of boneheaded moves but I figure even screwups are valuable lessons so I decided to show the warts and everything. I’m hoping in the next week or two to see these ladies pull out of their funk and start greening back up. Here’s where we’re at cringe

The one in the back right is by far the most pissed off showing the yellowing in her leaves, I’m pretty sure that’s GM5. Her neighbor to the right (GM1?) seems to be handling things best, with the other two falling somewhere in between on the spectrum of pissed-offedness. Embarrassing across the board but it is what it is, I’ll do better the next time around (I hope :joy:) anyway, that’s where we’re at, hopefully some better news in the next update. Love to all of you out there! :v:t2:


I was expecting to see a much worse situation by your description.
Keep your head up, they will turn around.


yea we’re not in dire straights, but i just know what they should look like after getting a fresh pot of brand new soil if i hadnt been so dumb about it, haha.


They don’t look that bad (except for the back right-hand one haha). And it’s only day three of flower! Cannabis is a super-resilient plant, they’ll be fine.


The grow is looking good bro. Hey, which mountain were you skiing/boarding?

I really miss that. I used to work at Bridger Bowl in Bozeman, MT. I still have my almost new snowboard, Nitro Fusion 172 from '93 or '94. I’m back near the mountains so I’m hoping to get some new bindings and boots and go again. It’s been since around '98 since I’ve been. I’m in southern Colorado and we have a small place about 40 miles away that had been closed, but is going to re-open; Cuchara Mountain Park. Otherwise it’s about 3+ hours to the next closest in Colorado, but there a few in New Mexico are closer I think… Angel Fire, Red River, and Taos a little farther.


Call it stress testing, they mostly look to be passing the test.


Nice seed run! Great work man :metal::metal::metal:


thanks you guys!

@minitiger yea, i got it wrong in the writeup that back right girl is GM1 and yea, she is bummed out, and shes bumming me out looking at her, haha. gonna make sure to keep an eye on her, we’ll get her happy again.

@GMan i ride at smugglers notch in VT, i live right down the road so i can usually pop in to catch a few runs in the morning and be back home for lunch, makes it pretty awesome for getting a couple laps on a work day if the snow flies. i used to work at another resort here in the area catching chairs, and i miss the simplicity of it sometimes, although i dont miss having to stand out in the frigid east coast mid-winter negative temps. haha.

@Chiefer88 i think my whole growing situation could probably be called “Stress testing” but yea, we’re just being thorough over here! :rofl:

@OZZZ thank you! still got two plants left to shuck, ill post some photos of the final seed haul once they’re cured up and sorted. not looking forward to that little task.




Seed shucking is done! Man that’s a tedious task. Everything is in paper bags to cure for another week or so and then I’ll dump em out and sort through the whiteys and the non viable seeds. I’d say, guessing conservatively by just eyeballing things, that there’s maybe like 3-500 seeds from each of the four plants? (I’m bad at guesstimating, but it looks like a lot)


So between 1200 and 2000 seeds total? That’s pretty good. I bet there’ll be more than 2000, though. Anybody wanna post an over/under? Maybe get a little gambling action going on Legs’ seed total?

Just kidding, I don’t gamble, that’s the only vice I never got into. Anyway, nice job, @LegsMahoney.


Definitely willing to take some guesses on the final count, not sure how I’d come up with the proper number cause I sure as hell am NOT gonna count em all by hand haha. Maybe after I sort through a bag I’ll post a pic of the final haul and take guesses for a free pack or something, definitely planning on sharing some when I’ve got everything wrapped up here.


Nice seed haul! For rough counting, I usually will weigh out a gram of seeds and count how many seeds that is. Then weigh all the seeds and multiply by your initial seed count, it should get you close enough. Nobodies got time to count all them beans! You should do a give away for guessing though, could be fun :slight_smile:


That tears it, we’re definitely doing a guessing game in the future!


Well if there are prizes at stake we will need an accurate count. You’d better hand count, probably triple check just to be sure. :laughing:

Anyhow, great work!


2250 is my guess heh. :+1:


I’ll make an official post to start the guessing when the time comes but you’ll have first crack at a guess @bassman5420 as will all you other regulars that stuck around for this ride. What I’d like to do is keep the seed stock from each mother separate and provide smoke reports from the sensi run so that folks can decide which pheno they’d like to get stock from based on the effects/description. Although I could see merit i. Just mixing the stock and handing out a general F3 generation