Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

I agree, that would be the best way to go about it indeed. Nice to know what ones produced the higher and lower CBD ratios.


First boil of the season is on here in the northeast. All love to everyone! :v:t2::heart::v:t2:


That’s the way!!
:+1: :sunglasses:



(Roughly) 6 hours of boiling, (roughly) 10 gallons of sap = (roughly) 3.5 pints of finished product. no exact numbers here. :v:t2:


Trade? Damn that looks delicious! :yum:


Thanks homie! I gotta see what kind of year we have for sugaring this year but I had the thought that I might do a little syrup sample giveaway with some of the Good Medicine seeds if we have enough. This is just the first boil so hopefully this pace continues and we’re flush with the good stuff


Why do I suddenly feel like pancakes? :thinking:


Make canna soup. :smile:


Funny you should quote that post @Rogue so I ended up sifting all of my seed shuck through a fine stainless steel mesh strainer to separate out half seeds and stems and whatnot once everything had been pulverized and the bigger seeds removed. I’ve been rolling joints of this finely ground herb for a week or so now and moving through each phenotype. Sitting around the stove today I got into the GM2 shuck. I ended up smoking like 2-3 joints, and I have to say out of the two phenos I’ve tried to date this one is by far my favorite. The flavor was almost like a strawberry sprite type of flavor, sugary but with a really pleasant fruity note. The high was really nice too, I felt uplifted and a little squinty eyed but largely stayed pretty sharp. This is good conversation herb, my wife and I ended up just shooting the shit together for like 2 hours about whatever, family stuff, this and that, it the conversation flowed effortlessly, I was perfectly happy to sit there and chief away in the snow pudding away and chatting with the love of my life. Obviously I’ll have to try it under different circumstances but I’m really excited about the potential based on what I’ve sampled so far. The sensi run is going to be really exciting to try out!


I didn’t realize you were so French Canadian! lol that’s awesome man. Ppl literally kill each other for that stuff up here in Quebec.

Let the plants ride it out a bit and I bet they’ll get back on track. Did the same thing when I blasted them with Ozone from my UV light but all the new growth was stellar.

Good idea with the separation and trying out the smoke. Can’t wait to see them grow out as a sensi run though, will need to compare notes.

Keep it up!


Not much to show here for the update, week two of flower is a wrap as of like day, I told myself I’d wait until the proper two week mark to defoliate but this morning I couldn’t stand looking at those fucked yo leaves so I went in and did the strip. Still kind of struggling to get back to 100%. The leaves are a lighter shade of green than I feel like they should be, but I’m trying hard to stick to LITFA principals. I know that when you go through a cycle of the soil being too wet and the. Getting way dry that the nutrient uptake can be affected, so I’m telling myself that’s what’s going on and fighting the urge to hit it with more nutes since they got up potted into fresh COM stonington blend so there should be a good amount of nutes available VIA the soil for at least another couple weeks in my experience. Beyond that I’m just babying them trying to get em back to 100%. Starting to see the buds set, so I’m hoping that things will turn a corner and start ramping up, here’s some photos of where we’re at as of this morning after the leaf strip:

Got a long weekend of boiling sap coming up. Forecast is for rain which is a bummer, we’ve got a full tank and our evaporator is outside so I’ll be sitting under an easy up all weekend splitting wood in the rain and trying to turn sap into syrup. Next update might just be photos of ol smokewagon doing his thing. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you all. :v:t2::v:t2:


My office for the weekend

Pretty janky right?? :joy::joy:


Also, since it’s the full moon tonight, I’m popping seeds for my outdoor run!!!

5 Stop Lights courtesy of the man, the myth the legend @JohnnyPotseed

And 4 Pure Kush x Uzbekistani Hashplant made by @HaRdRoC i believe. These were gifted to me by another member here, I have to go through my messages to remember who, since I didn’t write it on the pack like an idiot, I’ll be sure to track down the name and edit here to show love where love is due, if you see this post and it’s you all I got these from shout out and call me a dummy! :joy::joy:

These will get selected down to the two best ladies to run outdoors, although for the PK x UHP if I get a good looking male I may keep him around to dust a branch and make some more seeds. Love this time of year! :heart::heart: :v:t2:


Awesome! Pure Kush is an absolute gem, looking forward to this one! JP’s creation as well! Get ‘em @LegsMahoney


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 im hyped about both of these, I feel like a total douche I didn’t write down who gave me the PK x UHP, go figure


Lol it happens, I bet I have some with the same issue, I try to write in my records or on the vial etc. but there’s times I’ve just forgot. Regardless I guarantee they will be stoked to see you popping their wares.

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Good luck with the spk x uzbek. I grew it awhile back. I got only 4 seeds I think and 1 female. If I remember right my pheno kinda smelled like ginger beer or something ginger like. Couldn’t find where my other pics were buried so I took a picture of a picture from my instagram since I can’t manually save it :stuck_out_tongue: Might have gotten some botrytis on some of it but what I did end up smoking I liked. The nugs were like golf balls on the plant.

I think 50 state donated the seeds for the run and Heritagefarms did the seedrun.


I’ve since been much more diligent about writing on the flips but these came to me before I started with that policy


Wow wow wow, that’s a beautiful flower, and I love the idea of ginger beer terps. I wonder if these beans are from that same run, in which case maybe Hardeoc is the one who sent them to me and not the one who did the preservation. :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle: an interesting break in the case! Thanks for sharing that beautiful shot!


I FIGURED IT OUT!!! @anon20530495 is the benevolent individual who sent the PK x UHP. @anon20530495 thank you a thousand times over my friend and a thousand and one apologies for not writing that shit down!