Bodhi Seeds - Goji OG Crowd Source F2 Preservation (closed)

Click on your profile avatar photo. Down in the bottom left.

You can always move up if your level has and there is a open spot. This is kind of a training run as there are plenty as there are 8 runs here. All the runs starting with the new (old) process, there will only be the 75 and 75 going thru the co-op. If a person signs up as TL3 and they are TL2 they could lose out as at that time all the TL3 get the seeds first then the TL2 in numeric order. If this happens the person in the TL3 list will be out of luck as all those signed up right get seeds first.
Does that make since? So, yes move up if you wish.

:green_heart: :seedling: